Promoting the Study and Performance of Canadian Wind Band Music in Canadian Schools
In contrast to the vast number of professional orchestras, wind bands exist primarily in educational institutions. Despite the widespread presence of wind bands in Canadian schools and the growing availability of high-quality Canadian wind band works composed for student performers, Canadian wind band music is not frequently programmed. I wrote a research paper investigating how the dominance of American and European influences, the historic lack of Canadian repertoire composed for student performers, and the small output of published Canadian music contributes to the lack of Canadian wind band music taught and played in Canadian primary and secondary schools. Furthermore, I examine how the efforts of various research initiatives, composition competitions and commissions, and Canadian music organizations promote the study and performance of Canadian wind band music. Finally, through analyzing two Canadian wind band compositions (Chasing Sunlight by Cait Nishimura and Filum Vitae by Kenley Kristofferson) as case studies, I also advocate for teaching more contemporary Canadian wind band music in Canadian schools, both for their musical and educational value and to support diversity and inclusion within the realm of wind band composers, works, players, and audiences. My paper features primary research from my interviews with Nishimura (BMus 2014) and Kristofferson.