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Weekly highlights

Cover of book Charles LamoreuxSimon, Y. (2019). Charles Lamoureux : chef d’orchestre et directeur musical au XIXe siècle. Actes sud. [ML422 .L29 S56 2019]

Charles Lamoureux est l'un des principaux animateurs de la vie musicale à Paris dans le dernier tiers du XIXe siècle. Il s'illustre d'abord à la tête d'un quatuor à cordes puis d'une société faisant revivre les grandes oeuvres chorales du passé, avant de fonder, en 1881, la Société des nouveaux concerts, plus connue sous l'appellation de Concerts Lamoureux. Pendant près de vingt ans, l'artiste en est le directeur musical, à la fois chef d'orchestre, entrepreneur, administrateur et programmateur. Dans le même temps, c'est un musicien militant faisant de la promotion des oeuvres de Richard Wagner une cause qu'il défend aussi en portant à la scène Lohengrin et Tristan et 'solde. Quoique partisan du maître de Bayreuth, Lamoureux apporte également sa contribution à la diffusion de la musique française.

Book cover of Poulenc lettresPoulenc, Francis. 2019. Lettres inédites à Brigitte Manceaux. Edited by Pierre Miscevic. Paris: Orizons. [ML410 .P787 Z48 2019]

Brigitte Manceaux (1914-1963), nièce de Poulenc, excellente pianiste elle-même, fut pour son oncle une indispensable conseillère musicale, une secrétaire, et une confidente de chaque instant. Cette Correspondance est composée de 192 lettres soigneusement conservées par leur destinataire, dont seules dix étaient jusqu'alors connues, et sous forme incomplète. Elle constitue un véritable journal, dans lequel Francis Poulenc, l'un de nos grands épistoliers, livre comme nulle part ailleurs, avec tous ses paradoxes, sa vérité de musicien et d'homme.

Book cover for Susan Rankin's bookRankin, Susan. 2022. Sounding the Word of God : Carolingian Books for Singers. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. [ML431 .R36 2022Y]

During the late eighth and ninth centuries, there were dramatic changes in the way European medieval scribes made books for singers, moving from heavy reliance on unwritten knowledge to the introduction of musical notation into manuscripts. Well-made liturgical books were vital to the success of the Carolingian fight for Christian salvation: these were the basis for carrying out worship correctly, rendering it most effective in petitions to the Christian God. In Sounding the Word of God, Susan Rankin explores Carolingian concern with the expression and control of sound in writing—discernible through instructions for readers and singers visible in liturgical books. Her central focus is on books made for singers, including those made for priests. The emergence of musical notations for ecclesiastical chant and of books designed to accommodate those notations, Rankin concludes, are important aspects of the impact of Carolingian reforming zeal on material culture....

Book cover of Diary of a Rock and Roll tour managerPerkins, Willie. 2022. Diary of a Rock and Roll Tour Manager : 2,190 Days and Nights with the South’s Premier Rock Band. Macon, Georgia: Mercer University Press. [ML421 .A43 P465 2022Y]

Diary of a Rock and Roll Tour Manager chronicles the triumphs and tragedies of the day-to-day touring of The Allman Brothers Band from 1970 to 1976, detailing their rise from obscurity to the absolute pinnacle of rock super stardom. Tour manager, Willie Perkins shepherded the band from their lowly beginnings in smoke-filled bars to six figure payoffs before hundreds of thousands of fans in outdoor venues. He was there for the tragic, untimely accidental deaths of both Duane Allman and Berry Oakley, the ugliness of drug and alcohol abuse, and the love for the music and true brother and sisterhood among band, crew, management, and family members. Here, Perkins writes in detail about the efforts involved in the touring and recording career of The Allman Brothers Band in their early and most productive years. He introduces the reader to some of the colorful promoters who produced the concerts and the interesting historical venues where they performed, many of which no longer exist.

Book cover of A philosophy of music education : advancing the visionReimer, Bennett, and Peter Richard Webster. 2022. A Philosophy of Music Education : Advancing the Vision. Third edition. Albany: State University of New York Press. [MT1 .R435 2022X]

This book advances the philosophy of its previous editions into new territory, recasting it in light of emerging ideas and interests in philosophy in general and in philosophy of music in particular. The foundational concept of this book—that the values of music are gained through direct experiences with its meaningful sounds—remains intact, but is explained and applied in broader, more inclusive scope, with a synergistic philosophical stance as the basis. In addition it clarifies and updates for readers the explanations of musical feeling, musical creativity, and musical meaning that are at its core. For music educators, music lovers, or anyone who wants a synergistic philosophy of music education inclusive of a variety of positions.

Book cover of Walking with Asafo in GhanaAduonum, Ama Oforiwaa. 2022. Walking with Asafo in Ghana : an Ethnographic Account of Kormantse Bentsir Warrior Music. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. [ML3760 .A37 2022X]

What is Asafo ndwom (music)? How and when is it performed? What is the state of this tradition that once served as the bedrock of the societies? How does Asafo enact the past and serve as archives for the people? In an attempt to answer these questions, Walking with the Asafo of Ghana investigates the musical pasts of a warrior association. The book is an ethnography of walking, organized into eight chapters....

Book cover of Going up the countryBokelman, Marina, David Evans, and Stephen Wade. 2022. Going up the Country : Adventures in Blues Fieldwork in the 1960s. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. [ML3798 .B65 2022X]

At the height of the blues revival, Marina Bokelman and David Evans, young graduate students from California, made two trips to Louisiana and Mississippi and short trips in their home state to do fieldwork for their studies at UCLA. While there, they made recordings and interviews and took extensive field notes and photographs of blues musicians and their families. Going Up the Country: Adventures in Blues Fieldwork in the 1960s presents their experiences in vivid detail through the field notes, the photographs, and the retrospective views of these two passionate researchers. The book includes historical material as well as contemporary reflections by Bokelman and Evans on the times and the people they met during their southern journeys....

Book cover of Reading LisztRoberts, Paul. 2022. Reading Franz Liszt : Revealing the Poetry Behind the Piano Music. Lanham, Maryland: Amadeus Press. [ML410 .L7 R63 2022X]

Paul Roberts immerses readers in the world of Franz Liszt, megastar of Romanticism, through a vivid exploration of his most beloved pieces and literature that inspired them-from Petrarch's love poetry to the sensibilities of Byron, Sénancour, and others. Roberts reveals the deeper essence of Liszt, recasting him as a composer of poetic feeling.

Book cover of The Come UpAbrams, Jonathan P. D. 2022. The Come up : an Oral History of the Rise of Hip-Hop. New York: Crown. [ML3531 .A27 2022X]

The essential oral history of hip-hop, from its origins on the playgrounds of the Bronx to its reign as the most powerful force in pop culture--from the award-winning journalist behind All the Pieces Matter, the New York Times bestselling oral history of The Wire. The music that we would later know as hip-hop was born at a party in the Bronx in the summer of 1973. Now, fifty years later, it's the most popular genre in America and its electric impact on contemporary music is likened to that of jazz on the first half of the twentieth century. And yet, despite its tremendous influence, the voices of many of hip-hop's pioneers have never been thoroughly catalogued--and some are at risk of being lost forever. Now, in The Come Up, Jonathan Abrams offers the most comprehensive account so far of hip-hop's rise, told in the voices of the people who made it happen....

Book cover of Gigli : the Master TenorBain, Colin. 2021. Gigli : the Master Tenor. Edited by Barry R. Ashpole. Canada: Barry R. Ashpole. [ML420 .G43 B35 2021]

More than twenty years in the making, Gigli: The Master Tenor by Colin Bain (Barry R. Ashpole, General Editor) promises to be a definitive biography of Beniamino Gigli (1890-1957), offering a detailed, intimate portrait of the singer and his extraordinary career. Based on thousands of official and personal documents secured by the author as well as interviews with opera stars, musicians, teachers, and loved ones—including extensive interviews with members of the Gigli family and household—the new biography spans a lifetime, opening and closing in Recanati, Italy, ancestral home of the Gigli family where Beniamino reportedly sang as soon as he learned to talk.

Book cover of Irish American civil war songsBateson, Catherine V. 2022. Irish American Civil War Songs : Identity, Loyalty, and Nationhood. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press. [ML3554 .B37 2022X]

During the American Civil War, approximately 200,000 Irish-born soldiers and sailors fought for both the Union and, to a much lesser extent, the Confederacy. They were involved in every major engagement. In "Irish American Civil War Songs," Catherine V. Bateson examines songs written by Irish Americans about their experiences in that conflict. Bateson offers an in-depth exploration of the different lyrical articulations, themes, and sentiments of wartime ballads produced in America and across the Atlantic in Ireland and Britain. By analyzing the lyrics-a heavily under-used and under-appreciated source of contemporary feelings and opinions-Bateson's work highlights how wartime song lyrics present historians of ethnic migration, culture, the Irish in America, and the Civil War, and those interested in these topics more broadly, with a new way of understanding Irish migrant and Irish America diaspora views about the conflict. More importantly, her assessment of the ballads demonstrates what that diasporic culture thought about the American Union home that the Irish identified with, fought to defend, and saw as an important marker of their national identities....

Book cover of Queering Vocal PedagogySauerland, William. 2022. Queering Vocal Pedagogy : a Handbook for Teaching Trans and Genderqueer Singers and Fostering Gender-Affirming Spaces. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. [MT820 .S23 2022X]

This book explores the experiences of trans and genderqueer singers, imparting practical and theoretical knowledge for singing teachers, choral directors, and educators-readers will garner specific strategies in voice teaching, an understanding of inclusive gender language, and an overview of the impact of gender and identity in teaching singers. 

Book cover of Ethical beatBarrozo, Maria Regiane. 2019. Ethnical beat : expressão sintomática da música. 1a edição. Cuiabá, MT: EdUFMT. [ML3556 .B278 2019]

Considerar as reinvenções de uma batida musical (ritmo) sintoma cultural de um período da nossa história é olhar e ouvir além do artístico e do consumo. Propor uma contemporaneidade musical agenciada por fluxos etnicitários diaspóricos é dialogar diretamente com o fenômeno Pop sob o aspecto sócio-cultural que a permitiu, a partir das work songs, chegar ao Rap e a música Pop internacional-globalizada no século XX....

Book cover of Schumann Briefedition.Munipov, Alekseĭ. 2019. Fermata : (razgovory s kompozitorami). Moskva: Novoe izdatelʹstvo. [ML390 .M94 2019]

Самое возвышенное и самое недоступное из всех искусств, академическая музыка движется вперед с огромной скоростью и исследует окружающий мир и свои собственные основания глубже и бескомпромисснее любой науки. "Фермата" Алексея Мунипова — это рассказ двадцати очень разных современных композиторов о том, что собственно значит быть современным, как раздвигать границы искусства, зарабатывать этим на хлеб и вопреки всему создавать нечто неслыханное — современную музыку.

Book cover of Hindemith-Schott : der Briefwechsel.Hindemith, Paul. 2020. Hindemith-Schott : der Briefwechsel. Edited by Susanne Schaal-Gotthardt, Luitgard Schader, and Heinz-Jürgen Winkler. Mainz: Schott. [ML410 .H6 A4 2020]

The correspondence between Paul Hindemith and the publishing house B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz comprises around 2800 documents. The protagonists are, on the one hand, Paul Hindemith and his wife Gertrud who, as a competent confidant, continued the business with the publishing house even after the death of her husband, and, on the other hand, the then owners of the publishing house, Ludwig and Willy Strecker, and some of their employees....

Book cover of Iranisch-europäische Instrumentalmusik im Kontext der Modernisierung der iranischen Musik und des iranischen Musiklebens ab 1850.Tahriri, Madjid. 2019. Iranisch-europäische Instrumentalmusik im Kontext der Modernisierung der iranischen Musik und des iranischen Musiklebens ab 1850. Berlin: Lit. [ML344.4 .T348 2019]

Aus der Modernisierung der iranischen Musik und des iranischen Musiklebens unter Einflüssen europäischer Kultur ab 1850 und der damit verbundenen Begegnung der beiden Musikkulturen ging die iranisch-europäische Instrumentalmusik als neuer Stil hervor. Diese Arbeit erörtert die iranisch-europäische Instrumentalmusik und betrachtet die kulturellen und soziologischen Auswirkungen der Modernisierung und die Einflüsse der europäischen Musik auf die iranische Musikkultur und das Musikleben ab 1850. Ferner geht sie der Frage nach, inwieweit der iranisch-europäische Stil und die Veränderungen im Musikleben Merkmale der in den Kulturwissenschaften mit den Termini Transkulturation und Hybridität bezeichneten Prozesse erkennen lassen.

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Keep reading for the complete list of new CDs, scores, books, and eBooks.


  • CD 76658 — C'est cheese / the Arrogant Worms.
  • CD 76659 — Russell's shorts / the Arrogant Worms.
  • CD 76660 — Cold winter comes back / Brock Zeman.
  • CD 76661 — Puss n boots / Crash Test Dummies.
  • CD 76662 — Toast! / the Arrogant Worms.
  • CD 76663 — Ice cold / Choclair.
  • CD 76664 — Detox / Treble Charger.
  • CD 76665 — Live bait / Arrogant Worms.
  • CD 76666 — The great Africans / Tarig Abubakar & the Afro Nubians.
  • CD 76667 — Carve it to the heart / Linda McRae.
  • CD 76668 — Midnight McCartney / John Pizzarelli.
  • CD 76669 — Greatest hits / Charlie Major.
  • CD 76670 — The best of the Corrs.
  • CD 76671 — Kirya / Ofra Haza.
  • CD 76672 — Resurrected / Jacksoul.
  • CD 76673 — Bridges / Jets Overhead.
  • CD 76674 — Wide awake bored / Treble Charger
  • CD 76675 — The book of Minerva / Lori Yates.
  • CD 76676 — Vibe / David Gogo.
  • CD 76677 — Subcontinental drift / Sultans of String, with Anwar Khurshid.
  • CD 76678 — Moon turn red / MonkeyJunk.
  • CD 76679 — The Brooklyn Rider almanac.
  • CD 76680 — Rich in love / Colin Linden.
  • CD 76681 — Italian intermezzi / Domenico Sarri, Gasparini, Bononcini.
  • CD 76682 — The 2 piano concertos / Frédéric Chopin.

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  • M2 .R2379 v.28P — The padrone : piano-vocal score / George Whitefield Chadwick ; edited by Marianne Betz.
  • M2 .R2379 v.30A — Solo for piano / by John Cage ; second realization by David Tudor ; edited by John Holzaepfel. Essay and critical commentary
  • M2 .R2379 v.30B — Solo for piano / by John Cage ; second realization by David Tudor ; edited by John Holzaepfel. Music edition [Score]
  • M2 .R2379 v.32 — An American singing heritage : songs from the British-Irish-American oral tradition as recorded in the early twentieth century / edited by Norm Cohen, Carson Cohen, and Anne Dhu McLucas
  • M2 .R238 v.229 — Lo spedale : dramma burlesco / edited by Naomi Matsumoto.
  • M2 .R238 v.231 — Collected works / Angelo Notari ; edited by Jonathan P. Wainwright. Notari's manuscript scorebook, nos. 1-60
  • M2 .R238 v.232 — Collected works / Angelo Notari ; edited by Jonathan P. Wainwright. Notari's manuscript scorebook, nos. 61-86
  • M2 .R238 t.233 — La chute de Phaéton : comédie en musique (1694) / an opera parody by Marc-Antoine Legrand of Jean-Baptiste Lully's Phaéton ; edited by Natasha Roule.
  • M2 .R238 v.234 — Psalmes, or, Songs of Sion (1631) : William Slatyer's scandalous collection / edited by Ross W. Duffin.
  • M2 .R23813 v.116 — Requiem in E-flat major (1760) / Ignacio Jerusalem y Stella ; edited by Dianne Lehmann Goldman.
  • M2 .R2384 v.174 — Gude & godlie ballatis noted / edited by Ross W. Duffin.
  • M2 .R2384 v.175 — Motets for Saint Cecilia, 1540-1610 / edited by John A. Rice.
  • M3 .R75 2016 v.1 — Opera omnia. Concerti, Salmi e Magnificat / Jacek Różycki
  • M263 .F495 C6 2019 — Corollary IV : for trombone and piano : 2002 / Brian Fennelly.
  • M312 .G97 op.36 2021 — Klaviertrio G-Dur op. 36 : "Divertissement" für Klavier, Violine und Violoncello / Adalbert Gyrowetz ; Herausgeber: Hans-Heinrich Kriegel.
  • M312.4 .Q38 op.15 no.1 2020 — Sonata op. 15 no. 1 in F / Jean-Baptiste Quentin ; edited by Maxwell Sobel
  • M317 .S298 S64 2021 — Sonate für zwei Oboen und Basso continuo B-Dur / Johann Christian Scheidemantel (John Christian Mantel).
  • M322 .P49 T74 2021 — Triosonate G-Dur für Oboe, Violine und Basso continuo / Christian Petzold ; Herausgeber: Hans-Heinrich Kriegel.
  • M322 .S396 C6 2019 — Cœur d'Aigues : pour clarinette, violoncelle et piano / Patrice Sciortino.
  • M351 .B663 G.86 2020 — Trio sonata in F minor (op. 4, G.86), for 2 violins & basso continuo / Luigi Boccherini ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M351 .V36 W. VIa: C 4 2021 — Trio in C major, op. 22 nr. 5, for 2 violins and violoncello / Johann Baptist Vanhal ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M357.2 .S313 no.5 2020 — Trio Es-Dur Nr. 5 für 3 Flöten / Georg Abraham Schneider ; herausgegeben von Wolfgang Kossack.
  • M362 .B38 op.1 no.3 2017 — Trio Nr. 3 für 2 Flöten und Violoncello oder Fagott / J. C. Baumberg.
  • M362 .S78 op.14 no.1 2021 — Trio sonata in G major (op. 14, nr. 1), : for transverse flute & violin or 2 violins & basso continuo / Carl Philipp Stamitz ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M452 .B67 G.233 2021 — 75. Quartett für 2 Violinen, Viola, und Violoncello D-Dur, op. 52/2, G 233 (1795) / Luigi Boccherini ; Herausgeber: Reinhard Groll.
  • M452 .G36 op.83 2021 — Streichquartett A-Dur op. 83, für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello / Friedrich Gernsheim ; Herausgeber: Christian Starke.
  • M452 .R767 op.17 no.3 2021 — Variationen op. XVII/3 : für Streichquartett / Andreas Romberg ; vorgelegt von Klaus G. Werner.
  • M452 .R767 op.34 no.1 2021 — Rondo alla pollacca, op. XXXIV/1 : für Streichquartett / Andreas Romberg ; vorgelegt von Klaus G. Werner.
  • M452 .R767 op.34 no.2 2021 — Rondo alla pollacca, op. XXXIV/2 : für Streichquartett / Andreas Romberg ; vorgelegt von Klaus G. Werner.
  • M452 .R767 op.40 2021 — Fantasia, op. XL, für Streichquartett / Andreas Romberg ; vorgelegt von Klaus G. Werner.
  • M462 .M256 Q33 2021 — Quartett Nr. 3 B-Dur, für Fagott, Violine, Viola und Violoncello / Ignaz Malzat ; Herausgeber: Hans-Heinrich Kriegel.
  • M522 .D536 S65 2021 — Sonate d-Moll für Oboe, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo / Charles Dieupart (Mr. Du Par) ; Herausgeber: Hans-Heinrich Kriegel.
  • M552 .D23 Q27 2020 Heft 1 — Les quatre saisons : 24 quintette für 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und Kontrabass (oder 2. Violoncello). Soirées d'été / Felicien David ; Herausgeber: Carsten Bock. (Nr. 1 u. 2) (1842/1844)
  • M552 .W85 op.8 no.1 2021 — Streichquintett Nr. 1 D-Dur (1801) op. 8 Nr. 1, für Violine, 2 Violen & 2 Violoncelli / Anton Wranitzky ; Herausgeber: Reinhard Groll.
  • M557 .B6486 A25 2020 — Accadueó : quintetto n. 2 : (1999) / Carlo Boccadoro.
  • M557 .S184 J2 2020b — J.II.9 fragments : for wind quintet : (2018) / Evis Sammoutis.
  • M1003 .G75 GWV 408 2021 — Overture in C major (GWV 408) for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings et basso continuo : : / Christoph Graupner ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M1012 .S32 C6 2020 — Violin concerto in B-flat Major (GraunWV Cv:XIII:158), for violin, 2 oboes, strings & basso continuo / Johann Gottlieb Graun ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M1120 .M64 C74 2020 — Flute concerto in E minor (MWV 6.10), for transverse flute, strings, basso di ripieno & basso continuo / Johann Melchior Molter ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M1134 .R4 V586 2019 — Concerto III in G-Dur für Flautino (Sopranblockflöte), Streicher und Basso Continuo, op. 44/9 / Antonio Vivaldi
  • M1140 .F37 FWV L:e1 2020 — Concerto in E minor (FaWV L:e1), for flute, oboe, strings & basso continuo / Johann Fr. Fasch ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M1500 .J66 D53 2017 t.1 — Didone abbandonata : Stoccarda, Teatro Ducale, 1763 / Niccolò Jommelli. Atto primo
  • M1500 .J66 D53 2017 t.2 — Didone abbandonata : Stoccarda, Teatro Ducale, 1763 / Niccolò Jommelli. Atto secondo ; Atto terzo.
  • M1503 .K762 D4 2008 — Cmert' Tarelkina : opera-fars v trekh dĕistviia͡kh = Death of Tarelkin, opera-farce in three acts / Aleksandr Kolker
  • M1503 .T25 M47 2017 — The merchant of Venice : opera in three acts and an epilogue after William Shakespeare / Andre Tchaikowsky
  • M1507 .T67 D3 2022 — The songs of Frank E. Tours / edited by Eric Davis and Brian Thorsett.
  • M1547 .R868 2017 — Russkai͡a khorovai͡a muzyka na stikhi M.I. T͡Svetaevoĭ = Russian choral music, Tsvetayeva settings
  • M1756 .P75 2018 — Priletel soloveĭ na okno : Narodnye pesni Sankt-Peterburgskoĭ gubernii i Leningradskoĭ oblasti v klassicheskoĭ notats͡ii.
  • M2000 .R65 M3 2018 — Matthäus-Passion : die Geschichte des Leidens und Sterbens Jesu Christi : (1748) / Johann Heinrich Rolle ; herausgegeben von Klaus Winkler.
  • M2020 .H125 F47 2018 Bd.1 — Fest-, Buss- und Danklieder : (Zittau 1658) / Andreas Hammerschmidt ; herausgegeben von C. Hofius.
  • M2188 .B8 T75 2020 — Chanting the Medicine Buddha Sutra : a musical transcription and English translation of the Medicine Buddha Service of the Liberation Rite of Water and Land at Fo Guang Shan Monastery / edited by Reed Criddle.

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  • ML120 .S47 G34 2016 — Bibliografije legata Biblioteke Fakulteta umetnosti u Nišu / Vesna Gagić.
  • ML300.5 .D448 2017 — Illi͡uzii i alli͡uzii : mifopoėtika muzyki o revoli͡ut͡sii : issledovanie / A.I. Demchenko.
  • ML344.4 .T348 2019 — Iranisch-europäische Instrumentalmusik im Kontext der Modernisierung der iranischen Musik und des iranischen Musiklebens ab 1850 / Madjid Tahriri.
  • ML385 .Z48 2019 — Ot Do do Do : o chem ne pishut muzykalʹnye kritiki / Natalʹi͡a Zimi͡anina.
  • ML390 .M94 2019 — Fermata : (razgovory s kompozitorami) / Alekseĭ Munipov.
  • ML410 .B2642 K39 2020 — Toufic El Bacha : compositeur / Zeina Saleh Kayali.
  • ML410 .B75 M455 2019 — La construction du langage musical de Pierre Boulez : la Première Sonate pour piano / François Meïmoun.
  • ML410 .D94 B47 2019 — Henri Duparc / Franck Bésingrand.
  • ML410 .K6475 I87 2018 — I͡Uriĭ Kornakov v vospominanii͡akh sovremennikov : statʹi, ėsse, intervʹi͡u / redaktor-sostavitelʹ V.V. Marina.
  • ML410 .P787 Z48 2019 — Lettres inédites à Brigitte Manceaux / Francis Poulenc ; édition de Pierre Miscevic.
  • ML410 .T39 R64 2022Y — Goodnight boogie : a tale of guns, wolves & the blues of Hound Dog Taylor / Matt Rogers.
  • ML418 .T79 S46 2018 — Aleksandr T︠S︡ygankov: ispolnitelʹ, kompozitor, pedagog... / S.V. Semakov, I.B. Semakova.
  • ML422 .L29 S56 2019 — Charles Lamoureux : chef d'orchestre et directeur musical au XIXe siècle / Yannick Simon.
  • ML423 .L585 N38 2018 — Natalʹi͡a Andreevna Li͡ubomudrova : Izbrannye statʹi i metodicheskie raboty : Vospominanii͡a kolleg i uchenikov
  • ML437 .M67 2022Y — Measure : in pursuit of musical time / Marc D. Moskovitz.
  • ML446 .V66 2018 — Musiques polyphoniques d'art contrapuntique : années 1180-1530 : informations sur les compositeurs et leurs oeuvres vocales et instrumentales / Alain Von Roden.
  • ML1729.8 .N87 H58 2020 — Hitler. Macht. Oper : Propaganda und Musiktheater in Nürnberg 1920-1950 / herausgegeben von Silvia Bier, Tobias Reichard, Daniel Reupke, Anno Mungen.
  • ML1737.8.M67 R92 2015 — Voĭna i muzyka : Bolʹshoĭ teatr v gody voĭny / Avtor ideĭ i sostavitelʹ: L.D. Rybakova.
  • ML3295 .S65 2020 — V poiskakh poteri͡annogo zvuka : ėksperimentalʹnai͡a zvukovai͡a kulʹtura Rossii i SSSR pervoĭ poloviny XX veka / Andreĭ Smirnov.
  • ML3545 .T733 2019 — Traditions voyageuses dans l'espace francophone : mémoires entrelacées, tome 2 : actes des rencontres de Nantes, octobre 2014 / ouvrage réalisé par L'OPCI
  • ML3556 .B278 2019 — Ethnical beat : expressão sintomática da música / Maria Regiane Barrozo.
  • ML3602.8 .P36 S84 2016 — Iz panagjurskoto pesenno tvorčestvo : izdanieto e posveteno na 140-godišninata ot Aprilskata epopeja 1876 g. / Atanas Sugarev.
  • ML3750 .F65 2022Y — Folk and songs in Japan and beyond : ethnomusicological essays in honour of David W. Hughes / edited by Matt Gillan, Kiku Day and Patrick Huang.
  • MT145 .A35 G69 2022X — A performer's guide to the piano music of Samuel Adler / Bradford Gowen.
  • H62 .P235 2023Y — Introduction to research methods : a hands-on approach / Bora Pajo.

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