If you Google how to get a job, how to write a cover letter, or how to handle an interview, you’re likely going to be overwhelmed with the number of tips and suggestions from well meaning people. Many will likely have good advice. There aren’t many… read more
Working at the Music Library

This is final part of a 4-part series called "Tips from a Library Science Student." If you missed some of the earlier posts, in which I take you through some of my top tips I’ve learned as a library science student in the Faculty of Information, you… read more

Hello and welcome back to the Music Library!
This is part 3 of a 4-part series called "Tips from a Library Science Student." Check back each week in January for a new blog post, in which I take you through some of my top tips I’ve learned as a… read more

Hello and welcome back to the Music Library!
This is part 2 of a 4-part series called "Tips from a Library Science Student." Check back each week in January for a new blog post, in which I take you through some of my top tips I’ve learned as a… read more

Hello and welcome to the Music Library!
This is part 1 of a 4-part series called "Tips from a Library Science Student." Check back each week in January for a new blog post, in which I take you through some of my top tips I’ve learned as a… read more

Welcome to the second part of my “top ten” list of ways I use the library. I hope you were inspired to explore the stacks since part one was published. This second part features many online resources – and there might be a bonus at the end!

Give a man a book and he’ll read for a day. Teach a man to use the library, and he’ll read for the rest of his life!
As a Student Library Assistant, I spend enough time in the Music Library to consider it a home of… read more

I have worked as a graduate student library assistant (GSLA) at the University of Toronto Music Library for the past five years. I entered the position as a second-year master’s student, and now I am closing the chapter on this remarkable stage in my… read more
I have worked in the music library as a Student Library Assistant for approximately 4 years now. I find an incredible solitude in this space, whether I am being paid to work or I am doing my own work. There are essentially four different tasks that I… read more
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