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Weekly highlights
Lasky, Natasha. 2023. Blackout. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. [ML420 .S714 L37 2023X]
Britney Spears barely survived 2007. She divorced her husband, lost custody of her kids, went to rehab, shaved her head and assaulted a paparazzo. In the midst of her public breakdown, she managed to record an album, Blackout. Critics thought it spelled the end for Britney Spears' career. But Blackout turned out to be one of the most influential albums of the aughts. It not only brought glitchy digital noise and dubstep into the Top 40, but also transformed Britney into a new kind of pop star, one who shrugged off mainstream ubiquity for the devotion of smaller groups of fans who worshipped her idiosyncratic sound. This book returns to the grimy clubs and paparazzi hangouts of LA in the 2000s as well as the blogs and forums of the early internet to show how Blackout was a crucial hinge between twentieth and twenty-first-century pop.
Alago, Michael, and Laura Davis-Chanin. 2020. I Am Michael Alago : Breathing Music, Signing Metallica, Beating Death. Guilford, Connecticut: Backbeat Books, an imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. [ML429 .A47 A3 2020]
Record label executive, photographer, and author, Michael Alago takes readers through this amazing journey that is his life....
Stańko, Tomasz, and Rafał Księżyk. 2022. Desperado : an Autobiography Interview by Rafał Księżyk. Translated by Halina Maria Boniszewska. Sheffield, South Yorkshire: Equinox Publishing Ltd. [ML419 .S73 A3 2022X]
Tomasz Stańko is arguably the greatest jazz musician Poland has ever produced. His career spanned almost 60 years until his death in 2018. This book is a no-holds-barred extended interview with broadcaster Rafał Księżyk originally published in Polish by Wydawnictwo Literackie.
Motland, Stine Janvin, and Cory Arcangel. 2022. Identity Pitches. New York: Primary Information. [ML3849 .I34 2022Y]
For Identity Pitches, artists Cory Arcangel (born 1978) and Stine Janvin (born 1985) have composed conceptual music scores based on the knitting patterns for traditional Norwegian sweaters known as Lusekofte. Utilizing three of the most popular designs (Setesdal, Fana and the eight-petal rose of Selbu) of this ubiquitous garment, Janvin creates scores for both solo and ensemble performers by mapping the knitting patterns onto the harmonic and subharmonic series and integrating the tuning principles of traditional Norwegian instruments. These scores are further manipulated by Arcangel using a custom "deep-fried" coding script to create a series of image glitches. A foreword and an interview between the two artists, both based in Stavanger, Norway, provide context for the work, delving into the history of Norwegian folk music tunings and the Lusekofte sweater and their intersection with the cultural identity of the country over the last millennium.
Kilpatrick, Emily. 2022. French Art Song : History of a New Music, 1870-1914. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. [ML2827 .K55 2022X]
French art song, or mélodie, was one of the most radical and exploratory artforms of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It was also among the most intimate, a genre of experimentation, hesitation and unfiltered artistic conversation. In this landmark history, Emily Kilpatrick charts the compositional preoccupations and literary stimuli, the friendships and rivalries, critical narratives and performance practices that shaped French art song between 1870 and the First World War....
Balić, Vito, Ennio Stipčević, and Vincent Besson. 2022. Venice, Schiavoni and the Dissemination of Early Modern Music : a Companion to Ivan Lukačić. Edited by Vito Balić, Ennio Stipčević, and Vincent Besson. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. [ML410 .L9477 V46 2022]
Ivan Lukačić (born around 1585, died in 1648), composer, Conventual Franciscan, long-time "maestro di cappella" of the cathedral in Split, is a typical "hero" of local historiography. As early as 1935, the Croatian-American musicologist Dragan Plamenac (real name Karl Siebenschein) prepared a selection from the only known collection of Lukačić's compositions, the Sacrae cantiones (Venice, 1620). In the same year, Plamenac introduced Croatian Renaissance and Baroque music to the local audience for the first time at a concert held at the Croatian Music Institute. In the aftermath of Plamenac's emigration to the USA in 1939, it took several decades for new archival, stylistic, interdisciplinary, and international research in Croatian musicology to take place. Despite the availability of earlier material as well as contemporary musical publications of Lukačić's work (J. Andreis, Zagreb, 1970; E. Stipčević, Padua, 1986), it is not an exaggeration to say that Lukačić still remains unknown internationally....
Zeeuw, Hans de. 2022. Ottoman Tanbur : the Long-Necked Lute of Ottoman Art Music. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. [ML1015 .T3 Z44 2022Y]
The Ottoman Tanbur provides a detailed study of the history of this long-necked lute-like instrument, its role in Ottoman music, construction and playing technique. Tanburs are played in the art, Su fi , and folk musical traditions along the Silk Road and beyond. In Turkey, the name tanbur is mainly used as a name for the long-necked tanbur of Ottoman art music, the Ottoman tanbur....
Thom, Paul. 2023. Opera as Art : Philosophical Sketches. Lanham: Lexington Books. [ML3858 .T45 2023X]
Paul Thom argues that opera is a set of practices framed by the concepts of work, interpretation, performance, and art. His argument is that operatic works have the potential to be art, but so do operatic productions, independently of their value as interpretations of the works they stage.
Hotta, Eri. 2022. Suzuki : the Man and His Dream to Teach the Children of the World. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. [ML423 .S96 H67 2022X]
Shinichi Suzuki, of the eponymous Suzuki Method, debunked Western stereotypes about "authentic" classical performance while transforming music education globally. Yet as Eri Hotta shows, his movement was about much more than developing music skills. A committed humanist, he aspired to nurture the potential, musical or otherwise, in every child.
Caso, Fabiana, and Talita Hoffmann. 2021. O som de São Paulo (1967-1985) = São Paulo sound (1967-1985). Guarulhos, SP: Terreno Estranho. [ML3847 .B7 C3825 2021]
From psychedelia to tropicalism, from MPB to glam, from punk to post-punk, from no wave to Vanguarda Paulista: Säo Paulo Sound offers a wide look at the sounds and ideas that went around the gray lanes of the largest city in Latin America, from 1967 to 1985....
Tosca, Tomás Vicente; Antonio, Ezquerro Esteban; Paulino, Capdepón Verdú; and Oriol, Brugarolas Bonet. 2021. Tomás Vicente Tosca y la renovación musical en el siglo XVIII. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de Barcelona. [ML3800 .T66 2022Y]
El tratado «De la música especulativa y práctica» (1709) incluido en el Compendio mathematico de fray Tomás Vicente Tosca está considerado el primer ensayo moderno de música del ámbito hispano que, en el contexto de la revolución científica y de los novatores y preilustrados, analiza en detalle la naturaleza física de los sonidos y de sus relaciones acústicas. Su autor reivindica una nueva manera de entender y enseñar la disciplina musical —más técnica, científica y racional— que empieza a darse en Europa a inicios del siglo XVIII. El presente libro ofrece una edición facsimilar de este tratado —con desplegables ilustrados—, precedida de dos estudios críticos que abordan, por un lado, su figura en el marco del pensamiento musical coetáneo y, por otro, su renovador discurso acerca del canto llano, la polifonía, la composición, la armonía y el contrapunto, así como de todo lo relacionado con los instrumentos, que lo convirtió en un referente del arte instrumental de su época.
Arnaudova, Boi︠a︡nka. 2022. Zlatnii︠a︡t vek na bŭlgarskata opera : 20 portreta na golemite zvezdi na Sofiĭskata opera. Pŭrvo izdanie. Sofii︠a︡: List. [ML400 .A76 2022]
„Златният век на българската опера“ е история на успеха. Разказва за прочути артисти от Софийската опера – българи, които в аскетичното тоталитарно време пеят с огромен и траен успех в „Ла Скала“ в Милано, Виенската и Метрополитън опера, в „Ковънт гардън“, Берлинската и Парижката опера. Феноменално поколение, създало легендата за „българската оперна школа“, свързало завинаги името на България със световното оперно изкуство.
Krämer, Laura. 2022. Allgemeine Musiklehre : mit 374 Notenbeispielen und 12 Abbildungen. Lilienthal: Laaber. [MT6 .K833 A45 2022]
Ziel dieses neuen, grundlegenden Bandes ist, unter Anwendung sowohl traditioneller als auch aktueller Methoden das Wissen zu den Kerngebieten der Musiklehre – Akustik, Kontrapunkt, Harmonik, Rhythmus / Metrum und musikalische Form – zu vermitteln. Die Darstellung bezieht sich vor allem auf die abendländische Musik des 15. bis 20. Jahrhunderts und vermittelt Denkweisen, Entwicklungslinien und Gestaltungsprinzipien, die als allgemein gelten dürfen....
Bernal Romero, Manuel. 2022. Los orígenes del flamenco : amanecer en Jerez y Los Puertos. Sevilla: Renacimiento. [ML3712 .B47 2022Y]
La historia del flamenco plantea tantas dudas que cualquier hipótesis puede ser una aventura. Los orígenes del flamenco. Amanecer en Jerez y los Puertos, incide en una de sus innegables cunas y reconstruye el camino que recorre para dejar de ser entretenimiento y expresión del dolor de colectivos marginales y desfavorecidos históricamente como los gitanos, los moriscos y los esclavos, para convertirse en Patrimonio de la Humanidad. En ese proceso de investigación se determinan las razones que sitúan sus orígenes en la bahía de Cádiz, y el porqué de su consolidación entre algunas familias de las gitanerías jerezanas de Santiago y San Miguel, en las que se da el determinante salto de la profesionalización de sus intérpretes y se marcan los caminos del arte desde la memoria de los cantaores más señeros y significados. Un recorrido que se inicia en el enigmático Tío Luis el de la Juliana, que insiste en la leyenda de Manuel Torre, o recupera las figuras de Rita la Cantaora o Mercedes la Serneta, hasta desembocar en las lindes de la modernidad con la Paquera o José Mercé, entre otros tantos que han escrito la historia del flamenco. Se dedica un capítulo a la relación de Federico García Lorca con los gitanos de Jerez. Y una atención muy especial al Romance de la Guardia Civil española, que se interpreta a la luz de los que se conocieron como los sucesos de la Mano Negra, con cuya espeluznante historia se relaciona el poema.
Mayr, Albert, Stefano Zorzanello, and Francesco Michi. 2021. Soundscapes of work and of play : atti del IX convegno FKL sul paesaggio sonoro. Giulianova (Teramo): Galaad edizioni. [ML3877 .F56 2019]
I paesaggi sonori nella giornata lavorativa di un operaio/a addetto/a a una macchina di montaggio meccanico, di un addetto/a di un call center, di un/a insegnante, di un ciabattino/a sono estremamente diversi, eppure allo stesso modo potenzialmente interessanti per le interazioni implicate, per i vissuti connessi a tali attività. I paesaggi sonori di una partita di calcio o di una partita a carte, il suono del cortile di un condominio dove bambini e bambine giocano alla campana o a rubabandiera, il suono dei giochi nelle feste patronali o dei videogiochi sempre più confinanti con la realtà virtuale offrono in linea di principio altrettanti spunti di interesse e di riflessione, possibilità di ascoltare e interpretare la realtà che ci circonda. In un senso più esteso, il tempo del gioco e il tempo del lavoro sono legati ad attività in cui l’essere umano segue dinamiche molto diverse fra loro, spesso in antitesi, in qualche caso convergenti. Degli aspetti inerenti, correlati o collegati al mondo dei suoni delle attività ludiche e lavorative si è occupato il Forum Klanglandschaft (FKL) nel suo IX simposio internazionale, intitolato “Soundscapes of work and of play”, che si è svolto a San Cesario di Lecce nell’ottobre 2019. Questo volume, curato da Albert Mayr, Francesco Michi e Stefano Zorzanello raccoglie alcuni interventi presentati in quella occasione e le presentazioni dei lavori artistici inerenti al tema che il simposio ha ospitato.
Ciliberti, Galliano. 2021. Music Patronage in Italy. Turnhout: Brepols. [ML290.2 .M857 2021]
This book focuses on the various aspects of music patronage in Italy from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. During the Renaissance and throughout the Baroque and Classical periods, musical production was linked to patronage. There are essentially two types of patronage. The first relates to political institutions, to public life, and aims to promote musical events that highlight the wealth and power of the patron in the eyes of rival courts and subjects - hence the birth of the court chapels. The second type belongs to the private sphere, in which the patron, of noble birth and as such in possession of high moral and intellectual virtues, has a discriminating artistic sensibility - hence the promotion of chamber music activities, the collecting of rare and valuable musical instruments, and the compilation and collection of musical manuscripts, possibly in deluxe or personalized copies. This musical production system lasted until the middle of the nineteenth century, when the advent of capitalism and the rise of the bourgeois class caused the decline of patronage.
Descriptions for each item provided by the publisher and/or from the catalogue description.
Keep reading for the complete list of new scores and eBooks.
- M2 .D42 Bd.43 — Messen. Band 1 / Ferdinand Hiller ; herausgegeben von Florian Ilge.
- M3.1 .Z53 K66 2017 — T͡Svetaeva : tri vokalʹnykh t͡sikla na stikhi Mariny T͡Svetaevoĭ i Osipa Mandelʹshtama / Aleksandr Zhurbin.
- M22 .D45 B663 2022 — Piano album III / David Del Tredici.
- M22 .K55 O7 2018 — Oto no iro : chiisana piano sakuhinshū / Kobayashi Hideo sakkyoku.
- M22 .R522 P4 2021 — Complete works for solo piano / Marga Richter.
- M23 .S697 S6 2021 — Sonata no. 3 for piano solo / Sorabji ; edition by Ramer Davey Lee.
- M23 .S697 S6 2021 — Sonata no. 3 for piano solo / Sorabji ; edition by Ramer Davey Lee.
- M23 .S697 S62 2021 — Sonata no. 2 : for piano solo / Sorabji ; edition by William APM.
- M27 .B44 op.120 2019 — 33 Veränderungen über einen Walzer : für Klavier = 33 variations on a waltz : for piano : op. 120 / Beethoven ; herausgegeben von = edited by Mario Aschauer.
- M27 .S7 S95 2022 V.1-2 — Symphonic variations : for piano solo. (variations 1-27) ; (variations 28-54) / Kaikhosru Sorabji ; edited by Frazer Jarvis.
- M27 .S7 S95 2022 V.3 — Symphonic variations : for piano solo. (variations 55-81) / Kaikhosru Sorabji ; edited by Frazer Jarvis.
- M52 .M2782 op.129 2019 — Ein Celloleben : for solo cello (2014) / David Matthews.
- M175 .S26 A13 2008 — 33 qaṭʻah barā-yi santūr / gird'āvarī va tanẓīm: Mīnā Uftādah.
- M203 .N57 S2 2019 — Samudra manthan : for one piano, four hands = Nyūkai kakuhan : piano rendan no tame no kumikyoku / Akira Nishimura.
- M218 .A43 E35 2020 — Parisienne ; Aires de la Habana : violí i piano = violin and piano = violín y piano / Joan Alfaras.
- M218 .L36 S26 2021 score — Samlede værker for violin og klaver = Collected works for violin and piano / Rued Langgaard ; kritisk udgave ved Bendt Viinholt Nielsen og Ole Ugilt Jensen.
- M218 .L36 S26 2021 part — Samlede værker for violin og klaver = Collected works for violin and piano / Rued Langgaard ; kritisk udgave ved Bendt Viinholt Nielsen og Ole Ugilt Jensen.
- M219 .O58 op.4 2020 — Sonata-Fantasia op. 4, violi i piano, (1942) / Manuel Oltra ; revisio Josep Maria Serracant.
- M231 .T74 op.1 no.6 2021 — Sonata G-Dur, opus 1/6 für Violoncello und Basso continuo = for cello and basson continuo / Johann Sebald (Jean Zwalt) Triemer
- M242 .B72 op.70 2021 — Sei studi in forma di variazioni ballabili, op. 70 : per flauto con di pianoforte / Giulio Briccialdi ; edizione moderna a cura di Mario Carbotta.
- M242 .C495 op.133-135 2021 — Tre notturni per flauto con di pianoforte, op. 133, 134, 135 / Cesare Ciardi ; edizione a cura di Mario Carbotta.
- M242 .F323 B3 2021 — Il barbiere di Siviglia di Gioachino Rossini : Fantasia sui temi dell'opera per flauto e pianoforte (arpa) / Peregrin Feigerl.
- M250 .P2665 D3 2020 — Danses imaginaries : clarinet & piano / Gerard Pastor.
- M285 .E4 R37 2019 — Sum hingylta sól : (1993) : for piano og effekt processor / Sunleif Rasmussen.
- M312 .C672 T7 2021 — Piano trio : for viola, violoncello and piano : (2016) / Frank Corcoran.
- M312.4 .A24 op.3 no.6 2020 — Trio sonata in E-flat major (Op.3, Nr. 6), for 2 transverse flutes or violins & basso continuo / Carl Friedrich Abel ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M312.4 .C15 op.1 no.5 2020 — Church sonata in E minor (Op. 1, Nr. 5) for 2 violins, violoncello & organ / Antonio Caldara ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M452 .A533 A12 2019 — iv 13 : Miniaturen für Streichquartett : (2014/17) / Mark Andre.
- M452 .M507 N48 2014 — NGC 602 : pour quatuor a cordes / Paul Mefano.
- M452 .R14 op.90 2020 — Streichquartett Nr. 2 A-dur = String quartet no. 2 in A major : op. 90 / Joachim Raff ; herausgegeben von Stefan König und Severin Kolb
- M452 .R518 op.5 no.5 2020 — String quartet no. 5 / Franz Xaver Richter.
- M452.4 .H45 K3 2020 — Ein Kapitel : für vier Streichinstrumente : Violine, Viola, Violoncello, Kontrabass / Werner Heider.
- M485 .V35 R3 2020 — Raindamage : for string trio and electronics (2014) / Valgeir Sigurđsson.
- M514 .M34 S9 2021 — Adagietto : from Symphony No. 5 : for piano and string quartet / Gustav Mahler ; transcription by Samuele Amidei.
- M652 .S65 S4 2020 — Sextet : (2 vln, 2 vla, 2 vc) : (2011) / Linda Catlin Smith.
- M947 .D55 T3 2018 — Tanz/Haus : triptych 2017 : for chamber ensemble : 2017 / James Dillon.
- M947 .T78 R4 2018 — Refuse collection : for ensemble (2017) / Ming Tsao.
- M1001 .G636 no.3 2020 — Simfonii͡a no. 3 : (1986/2019) / Andreĭ Golovin.
- M1001 .J5 op.16 2021 — Symphonia brevis : op. 16 / Hanns Jelinek.
- M1001 .T96 no.9 2018 — Symphony no 9 : "Mythos" : for orchestra (2017) / Erkki-Sven Tüür.
- M1003 .B833 op.39b 2019 — Der gläserne Berg : op. 39b : Orchestersuite / Walter Braunfels.
- M1003 .H81 S9 2021 — Eerste symfonische suite / Jef van Hoof.
- M1010 .H786 M4 2019 — Mesmerism : for piano and chamber orchestra / Emily Howard.
- M1011 .A58 K5 2020 — Klavierkonzert in D / Volkmar Andreae ; herausgegeben von Marc Andreae = edited by Marc Andreae.
- M1012 .B453 op.32 2016 — Evocation = (Yizkor) : op. 32 : poeme for violin and symphony orchestra (1942) / Paul Ben-Haim.
- M1012 .D18 C6 2018 — Violin concerto (2017) / Daníel Bjarnason.
- M1012 .G73 C6 2019 — Violin concerto / Philip Grange.
- M1012 .M387 C6 2018 — Violin concerto : version for solo violin and orchestra (2014) / Ørjan Matre.
- M1019 .P3 X53 2019 — Rhyme of strings : for banhu and orchestra : (2016) / Xiang Min.
- M1020 .M55 N6 2019 — Noam : a fantasy for flute and orchestra : (2018) / Ella Milch-Sheriff.
- M1022 .C36 S9 2021 — Symphonie concertante B-Dur für zwei Oboen und Orchester / Giuseppe Cambini ; herausgegeben von Bodo Koenigsbeck.
- M1024 .S76 op.57 2021 — Konzert für Klarinette und Orchester Nr. 2, Es-Dur, op. 57 = Concerto for clarinet and orchestra no. 2, in E flat major / Louis Spohr
- M1032 .D68 S7 2019 — Stargazer : concerto for trombone and orchestra / Jonathan Dove.
- M1039.4 .S5 H36 2019 — Path of gladness : concertino for sheng and orchestra : (2017) / Hao Weiya.
- M1040 .D87 D6 2019 — Doppelkonzert : für Violine, Klavier und Kammerorchester / Richard Dünser.
- M1045 .A229 M37 2018 — Drei Märchenbilder aus der Schneekönigin : für Orchester / Hans Abrahamsen.
- M1045 .B513 E47 2018 — Ekphrasis : (Continuo II) : für Orchester : (1996) / Luciano Berio.
- M1045 .D766 op.72 no.4 2019 — Caprice for orchestra no. 4, op. 72, no. 4 : 'Es muss sein!' / Richard Dubugnon.
- M1045 .F848 C86 2019 — Cut VI-VIII : für Orchester / Bernd Franke.
- M1045 .G877 op.64 — KlangWerk 11 : für Orchester, op. 64 : (2011) / Erhard Grosskopf.
- M1045 .H216 H35 2018 — Halfbéniz : Divertimento : Huldigung an Isaac Albéniz : für Orchester (2000) / Cristóbal Halffter.
- M1045 .H3114 M46 2016 — Memoirs : for symphony orchestra (2015) / Aharon Harlap.
- M1045 .H788 M3 2019 — Magnetite : for orchestra / Emily Howard.
- M1045 .H788 S6 2019 — Solar : for orchestra / Emily Howard.
- M1045 .H788 S65 2019 — Sphere : for orchestra (2017) / Emily Howard.
- M1045 .M427 D5 2018 — Different stories : for orchestra (2018) / Ørjan Matre.
- M1045 .S257 T7 2011 — Traces : for chamber orchestra : (2006/2009) / Rebecca Saunders.
- M1045 .T974 P6 2018 — Le poids des vies non vécues : for orchestra / Erkki-Sven Tüür.
- M1045 .V727 S55 2018 — Sleeping Gomatz : (2018) : for orchestra / Frederick Viner.
- M1045 .W187 G7 2019 — Greenhurst Way : for chamber orchestra / Duncan Ward.
- M1101 .B362 S88 2020 — Sinfonia in A Major (LeeB 1.8), for strings & basso continuo / Franz Benda : edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M1112 .T27 D.22 2020 — Violin concerto in D major (DouT 22) for violin, strings & basso continuo / Giuseppe Tartini ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M1135 .S4 O32 2021 — Divertimento za alt-saksofon i gudače, op. 66 = Divertimento for alto saxophone and strings, op. 66 / Krsto Odak.
- M1205 .T56 C36 2018 — O caminho de Teseu : dois quadros para saxofone e orquestra de sopros = The way of Theseus : two pictures for saxophone and wind orchestra : (2018) / Luís Tinoco.
- M1495 .C77 1986 v.24:pt.2 — Gloria in excelsis Deo in sol maggiore a 4 voci con strumenti (1769) / Francescantonio Vallotti OFM Conv. ; introduzione e trascrizione di Roberto Frigato.
- M1495 .C77 1986 v.45:pt.3 — Armonia sagra : a due voci : Roma 1724 / Domenico Antonio Giordani OFM Conv ; edizione critica di Lisa Colonnella.
- M1500 .B7487 S6 2019 — The song of Rhiannon : from The Mabinogion : an opera for young people (2008) / Mark Bowden ; libretto by Helen Cooper.
- M1503 .G5 S5 2021 — Shivorot-navyvogot : ili Ivan i Alëna protiv drakona; Miuzikl v dvukh deĭstviia͡kh dlia͡ VIA tants͡eval'noi gruppy / Gennadiĭ Gladkov; libretto IU͡. Entina.
- M1520 .D82 C65 2018 — The colour of love : ballet suite for orchestra (2006) / Du Wei.
- M1524 .G86 D8 2019 — Heaven in the grotto : selected from the ballet Dunhuang : (2017) / Guo Wenjing.
- M1527 .R83 A8 2020 — Außenposten : 1981/83 : Musik für kleines Orchester zum gleichnamigen Film von Hartmut Fittkau / Rainer Rubbert.
- M1528 .H634 B4 2016 — Betrugs-Lexicon : Cantores betrügen : für Sopran, Alt, Tenor und Orchester (2016) / Robin Hoffmann.
- M1528 .H95 T7 2020 — Trio for tretten : (Acotral) / Ketil Hvoslef.
- M1529.3 .P74 C3 2021 — Catfish in autumn : für Sopran und Bariton : (2016) / Gwyn Pritchard.
- M1530 .F724 M4 2019 — Memoriam-Tempo e tempi : für Chor und Orchester / Bernd Franke ; auf Texte von Hans-Ulrich Treichel und William Shakespeare.
- M1530 .S27 M5 2018 — Miniata : for solo accordion, solo piano, orchestra and choir : (2004) / Rebecca Saunders.
- M1530.3 .R54 A53 2018 — Andere Schatten : Musikalische Szene : für Soli, gemischten Chor und Orchester (1985) / Wolfgang Rihm
- M1531 .D73 A7 2019 — Arion and the dolphin : cantata for solo countertenor, children's chorus, adult mixed chorus, two pianos and percussion / Jonathan Dove ; libretto by Alasdair Middleton.
- M1581 .I34 T65 2017 — The folksongs of Orient. V : songs for female chorus / Composed by Shin-ichiro Ikebe = Tōyō minʼyōshū. V : josei gashō kyokushū / Ikebe Shinʼichirō, sakkyoku.
- M1613 .J63 op.14 2019 — Scene der Marfa : aus Schiller's unvollendetem Drama "Demetrius : für Mezzo-Sopran und Orchester : op. 14 / von Joseph Joachim
- M1613 .O47 S37 2017 v.1 — Scream the color red : for sinfonietta and jazz sextet (2017) / Morten Olsen ; Text: Jomi Massage.
- M1613 .O47 S37 2017 v.2 — Scream the color red : for sinfonietta and jazz sextet (2017) / Morten Olsen ; Text: Jomi Massage.
- M1613.3 .W3899 S638 2020 — Two songs upon a ground : für Sopran, 2 Altblockflöten und Basso continuo = for soprano voice, 2 alto recorders and basso continuo / John Weldon ; herausgegeben von Peter Thalheimer.
- M1621 .A5346 I8 2019 — iv 17 : 8 Miniaturen für Sopran und Klavier : (2019) / Mark Andre.
- M1824 .A9 N38 2017 — Pesni dli͡a dushi / Malakhat Navai = Qǝlbdǝn gǝlǝn mahnilar / Mǝlahǝt Nǝvai.
- M1994 .P65 2014 vyp.1 — Poëm o voĭne i pobede. Mladshiĭ shkolʹnyĭ khor / redaktor-sostavitelʹ I.V. Roganova.
- M2018 .C22 J83 2021 — Judica Domine : für 2 Soprane, Violino o Cornetto und b.c. : aus: Opus musicum 1665 : CWV 1/20 / Samuel Friedrich Capricornus.
- M2019.5 .M34 V6 2019 — Voiced void : für 24 Stimmen = for 24 voices / Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf.
- M2082 .R88 2015 v.3 — Russkai͡a dukhovnai͡a muzyka ėpokhi klassit͡sizma / rekonstrukt͡sii͡a i redakt͡sii͡a Antona Viskova. Liturgicheskie pesnopenii͡a iz rukopisnykh sbornikov kont͡sa XVIII-nachala XIX veka : iz sobranii͡a Rossiĭskogo nat͡sionalʹnogo muzei͡a muzyki.
- M2103.3 .C26 S32 2021 — Adeste omnes fideles : für Alt, Violine und b.c. : CWV 11/3 : aus "Scelta musicale" Bozen 1669 / Samuel Friedrich Capricornus.
- M2149.5 .C76 M38 2019 — The Dominican office and mass for the crown of thorns / introduction and edition, Yossi Maurey.
- M2149.5 .M38 H36 2019 — Officium sancti Mauritii sociorumque eius Thebaicae legionis (traditione Sedunensis ecclesiae) / Einführung und Edition, Roman Hankeln
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