Recent Acquisitions

Check out the new books, scores, and recordings added to our shelves over the last two weeks. View our weekly highlights in the New Arrivals display at the library or jump to the complete list of new scores, books, eBooks, and CDs.

Weekly highlights

Front cover of Air et ecrituresHanus, Françoise, and Patrizia Prati. 2023. Air et écritures : sous les regards croisés d’Euterpe et de Thalie. Paris: L’Harmattan. [ML3849 .A85 2022Y]

Le conservatoire de Bologne était bien le lieu idéal pour un colloque sur les relations entre musique et littérature. Une vingtaine d'intervenants, amateurs éclairés ou professionnels, venus de France et d'ailleurs, ont rendu hommage à la musique, privilégiée au premier plan. Ses pouvoirs incantatoire, enchanteur, voire thérapeutique ou maléfique, fidèles aux mythes antiques d'Orphée et d'Ulysse, ont été évoqués. Entre musique et littérature, l'accord généralement harmonieux ne fut pas toujours parfait. Mais les rivalités n'effacent pas la complémentarité de ces deux arts. De Mozart et Bach à Quignard ou Kundera, cette approche est souvent lumineuse.

Front cover of Tiempo anfibioRolando, Carlos. 2021. Tiempo anfibio : las últimas tres décadas del rock en Córdoba. Córdoba, Argentina: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. [ML3534.6 .A7 T54 2021]

En las postrimerías del siglo XX, allá por esos años en la Argentina recuperó la democracia, un nuevo aire de libertad se estableció en esta ciudad dogmática, conservadora y le sacudió la modorra. Así se dio paso a un flamante movimiento subcultural conformado por nuevas bandas de rock, impelidas desde mentes y corazones de jóvenes cordobesas y cordobeses portadores del ethos furioso de revolución que también existe en la mediterránea ciudad. Las personas y personajes que escriben en este libro forman parte de una generación de rockeros que pedía a gritos escenarios para ver bandas, cantar sus canciones, como así también espacios periodísticos para poder reflejar lo que estaba sucediendo. (César Cuello) Ese tiempo liquido es, además, como bien lo planteó Cerati en la recordada «En el séptimo día» (Soda Stéreo, 1990), un «tiempo anfibio». Se atraviesa l océano, pero al ras. El problema es agotarse, y hundirse, desaparecer entre las olas, paralizarse por la hipotermia (…) Había terminado la resistencia a la censura, y comenzaba el combate contra la anomia. (…) Tiempo Anfibio. Las últimas tres décadas del rock en Córdoba, no es un trabajo antropológico ni un compendio de bandas o solistas. Es una síntesis, de miradas personales, que se animaron a vivir y sentir el rock. (José E. Ortega)

Front cover of La creation musicale a MontrealCouture, Ariane. 2019. La création musicale à Montréal de 1966 à 2006 vue par ses institutions. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval. [ML28 .M66 C68 2019]

La Société de musique contemporaine du Québec, les Événements du Neuf, l’Ensemble contemporain de Montréal et le Nouvel Ensemble moderne sont au cœur de l’essor de la musique contemporaine au Québec. En donnant à entendre de nouvelles œuvres et des pièces incontournables du répertoire, ces organismes ont servi de médiateur entre le public montréalais et les créateurs et ont influencé l’ensemble du milieu musical. À travers 515 programmes de concert présentés entre 1966 et 2006 se révèlent les implications artistiques, administratives et politiques entourant la fabrication du répertoire, sa réception dans la presse musicale et le développement du goût du public. Ce livre invite à réfléchir au rôle déterminant que ces quatre organismes musicaux ont joué dans la création et la diffusion musicales au Québec pendant la seconde moitié du xxe siècle. Destiné tant aux musicologues qu’aux musiciens, compositeurs et professionnels des organismes culturels ainsi qu’aux mélomanes curieux de découvrir l’histoire de ce foisonnement créatif, cet ouvrage de référence est accompagné d’un catalogue des concerts disponible dans le Répertoire de la vie musicale en pays francophone. Pianiste et musicologue, Ariane Couture est conseillère en développement de la recherche à l’Université Laval. Elle est également rédactrice en chef francophone d’Intersections : revue canadienne de musique et présidente du conseil d’administration d’E27, musiques nouvelles.

Front cover of Music farther outsideShoemaker, Bill. 2023. Music Farther Outside : Experimental Music During Brexit and the Pandemic. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. [ML285.6 .S38 2023X]

Music Farther Outside: Experimental Music During Brexit and the Pandemic examines the work of select composers, improvisers, and interpreters from England, Scotland, and Wales during the upheaval of Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic and places them in contemporary and historical contexts. Using extensive interviews and contemporary commentary, the book provides a snapshot of composers and performers as they grappled with both the baseline challenges of creating experimental music and the unprecedented struggles imposed by lockdowns and restricted gatherings. Bill Shoemaker profiles a wide cast of subjects, diverse in terms of gender, race, orientation, and geographic location: the London Improvisers Orchestra, Philip Thomas, Pat Thomas, Richard Barrett, Elaine Mitchener, Rachel Musson, Corey Mwamba, Charlotte Keeffe, and the Glasgow Improvisors Orchestra. Music Farther Outside enhances our understanding of experimental music and its role in evolving multiculturalism.

Front cover of Music and deathMarx, Wolfgang. 2023. Music and Death : Funeral Music, Memory and Re-Evaluating Life. Woodbridge, Suffolk: Boydell Press. [ML3916 .M853 2023]

Music gives specific meanings to our lives, but also to how we experience death; it forms a central part of death rituals, consoles survivors, and celebrates the deceased. Music & Death investigates different musical engagements with death. Its eleven essays examine a broad range of genres, styles and periods of Western music from the Middle Ages until the present day. This volume brings a variety of methodological approaches to bear on a broad, but non-exhaustive, range of music. These include musical rituals and intercessions on behalf of the departed. Chapters also focus on musicians' reactions to death, their ways of engaging with grief, anger and acceptance, and the public's reaction to the death of musicians. The genres covered include requiem settings, operas and ballets, arts songs, songs by Leonard Cohen and the B-52s, and instrumental music. There are also broader reflections regarding the psychological links between creative musical practice and the overcoming of grief, music's central role in shaping a specific lifestyle (of psychobillies) and the supposed universalism of Western art music (as exemplified by Brahms). The volume adds many new facets to the area of death studies, highlighting different aspects of ""musical thanatology"". It will appeal to those interested in the intersections between western music and theology, as well as scholars of anthropology and cultural studies.

Front cover of Esta todo dichoGarcía Moreno, Daniel. 2021. Está todo dicho : la historia del rock argentino contada por sus protagonistas. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana. [ML3534.6 .A7 G37 2021]

La historia oral y coral definitiva del rock argentino: a través del testimonio de sus grandes protagonistas -de Charly, Fito y Spinetta a Cerati, Prodan, Vicentico, Ciro, Pity, Litto Nebbia, Lebón, Javier Martínez y 70 figuras más-, registrado a lo largo de numerosos programas producidos para la televisión de los años 80 por Daniel y Josi García Moreno, toma forma un relato extraordinario. Pocas personas han hecho tanto por documentar el origen y el devenir del rock rioplatense -una historia que abarca ya más de cinco décadas- como los hermanos Dany y Josi García Moreno. A través de numerosos programas televisivos (Rocanrol, La Cueva, Quizás porqué), y documentales como 30 años de rock nacional, fueron creando un registro audiovisual extraordinario. En las voces de decenas de artistas entrevistados para esas producciones y transcriptas en este libro, hoy toma forma una mirada múltiple y diversa sobre el movimiento y las circunstancias que debió atravesar en un mundo de inestabilidad institucional, prejuicios y grosera censura.

Front cover of Circle of winnersVon Glahn, Denise. 2023. Circle of Winners : How the Guggenheim Foundation Composition Awards Shaped American Music Culture. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. [ML26 .J644 2023X]

""An essential high culture institution, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has both supported and molded American musical culture. Denise Von Glahn examines the Foundation and its immense influence from the organization's prehistory and origins through the onset of World War II. Funded by the Guggenheim mining fortune, the Foundation took early shape from the efforts of Carroll Wilson, Frank Aydelotte, and Henry Allen Moe--three Rhodes Scholars who initially struggled to envision and implement the organization's ambitious goals. Von Glahn also examines the career of the longtime musical advisor Thomas Whitney Surette while profiling early awardees Aaron Copland, Ruth Crawford Seeger, William Grant Still, Roger Sessions, George Antheil, and Carlos Chávez. She examines the processes behind their selection, their values and aesthetics, and their relationships with the insiders and others who championed their work""-- Provided by publisher.

Front cover of Haight-Ashbury, psychedelics, and the birth of acid rockCampbell, Robert J. 2023. Haight-Ashbury, Psychedelics, and the Birth of Acid Rock. Edited by David P. Szatmary. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. [ML3917 .U6 C34 2023X]

Combining literature, social history, and personal experience, author Robert J. Campbell traces the birth, downfall, and legacy of the innovative, playful, and spontaneous counterculture launched in 1960s Haight-Ashbury. In a lively writing style, Campbell describes the discovery of LSD, its slow adoption, and the promotion of it by Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, who each became missionaries for the drug. Campbell relates how LSD allowed users to enhance the perception of alternative realities and describes its wide-scale use in the Haight-Ashbury District of San Francisco from 1964 to 1967 that led to imaginative and creative change, including collaborative behavior, a new way of looking at the world, acid rock, and a host of other paradigm shifts. Haight-Ashbury, Psychedelics, and the Birth of Acid Rock concludes by examining the inherent dangers of constant drug use as well as the positive legacy of the 1960s, including a focus on health food, cooperative living arrangements, recycling, battling climate change, free medical help, and personal responsibility. The book incorporates ideas from a broad range of disciplines for general readers for a unique and fresh look at this impactful era.

Front cover of Universal tonalityBradley, Francis R. 2021. Universal Tonality : the Life and Music of William Parker. Durham: Duke University Press. [ML418 .P265 B73 2021]

Since ascending onto the world stage in the 1990s as one of the premier bassists and composers of his generation, William Parker has perpetually toured around the world and released over forty albums as a leader. He is one of the most influential jazz artists alive today. In Universal Tonality historian and critic Cisco Bradley tells the story of Parker’s life and music. Drawing on interviews with Parker and his collaborators, Bradley traces Parker’s ancestral roots in West Africa via the Carolinas to his childhood in the South Bronx, and illustrates his rise from the 1970s jazz lofts and extended work with pianist Cecil Taylor to the present day. He outlines how Parker’s early influences—Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Albert Ayler, and writers of the Black Arts Movement—grounded Parker’s aesthetic and musical practice in a commitment to community and the struggle for justice and freedom. Throughout, Bradley foregrounds Parker’s understanding of music, the role of the artist, and the relationship between art, politics, and social transformation. Intimate and capacious, Universal Tonality is the definitive work on Parker’s life and music.

Front cover of Break and flowHankin, Charlie D. 2023. Break and Flow : Hip Hop Poetics in the Americas. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press. [ML3531 .H344 2023X]

Hip hop is a global form of creative expression. In Cuba, Brazil, and Haiti, rappers refuse the boundaries of hip hop’s US genesis, claiming the art form as a means to empower themselves and their communities in the face of postcolonial racial and class violence. Despite the geographic and linguistic borders that separate these artists, Charlie Hankin finds in their music and lyrics a common understanding of hip hop’s capacity to intervene in the public sphere and a shared poetics of neighborhood, nation, and transatlantic yearnings. Situated at the critical intersection of sound studies and Afro-diasporic poetics, Break and Flow draws on years of ethnographic fieldwork and collaboration, as well as an archive of hundreds of songs by more than sixty hip hop artists. Hankin illuminates how new media is used to produce and distribute knowledge in the Global South, refining our understanding of poetry and popular music at the turn of the millennium.

Descriptions for each item provided by the publisher and/or from the catalogue description.

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Keep reading for the complete list of new scores, books, and eBooks, and CDs.


  • M7 .S56 W6 2023 — 8 composizioni per organo su melodie di Inni liturgici / Marco Siviero.
  • M8 .P3 S6 2022 — Sonate per organo in stile fugato / Padre Pascolini da Camerino ; edizione a cura di Maurizio Machella.
  • M23 .E336 op.6 2023 — Sei sonatine per clavicembalo, op. VI / Ernst Eichner ; edizione a cura di Alberto Guerzoni
  • M23 .O74 S6 2022 — Sonata per a piano / Margarida Orfila Tuduri ; edicio a cura d'Isabel Felix Riera.
  • M23 .S585 no.12 2022 — Piano sonata no. 12 / Roberto Sierra.
  • M25 .C46 op.10 2023 — Etudes, op. 10, piano = Klavier / Fryderyk Chopin ; edited by Roy Howat = herausgegeben von Roy Howat = édition de Roy Howat.
  • M38.5 .F37 T78 2022 — Truth : piano solo / Alexis Ffrench.
  • M67 .G67 I5 2022 — Into the rose-garden : for solo oboe : 2020 / Michael Zev Gordon.
  • M126 .F53 G8 2023 — Utwory wybrane na gitarę. Vol. 1 = Selected pieces for guitar. Vol. 1 / Jean Baptiste de Fier ; redakcja by Jarosław Pabisiak = edited by Jarosław Pabisiak.
  • M202 .P46 S6 2023 — Sonata in Do magg. per fortepiano a sei mani / Giovanni Agostino Perotti.
  • M204 .S69 P5 2022 — Utwory wybrane na fortepian na 4 ręce = Selected pieces for piano four-hands / Wojciech Sowiński ; redakcja = edited by Agnieszka Kozło, Katarzyna Ewa Sokołowska
  • M226 .A36 E38 2022 — Elegy for Roger : for viola and piano / Bruce Adolphe.
  • M226 .G2534 S6 2022 — Sonata for viola and piano (2018) / Gilbert Galindo.
  • M286 .F08 O2 2023 — Obras para dos violonchelos y para violonchelo y bajo = Works for two cellos and for cello and bass / Giacomo Facco ; edición crítica Giulio Padoin ; introducción Aníbal Enrique Cetrangolo.
  • M297 .S5045 D86 2022 — Duo-sonata : for clarinet & guitar / Roberto Sierra.
  • M312.4 .B72 T74 2022 — Twelve trio sonatas (London 1732, Sonatas Nr. 7,8,9) for 2 violins & basso continuo / Giovanni B. Bononcini ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M322 .S37 S5 2022 — Les sirènes - Virelai : für Posaune, Violoncello und Klavier = for trombone, violoncello and piano:(2022) / Wolfram Schurig.
  • M412 .F3 op.15 2022 — Klavierquartett Nr. 1 c-Moll Opus 15 = Piano quartet no. 1 in c minor op. 15 / Gabriel Fauré ; herausgegeben von Fabian Kolb = edited by Fabian Kolb ; Fingersatz der Klavierstimme von Pascal Rogé = fingering of piano part by Pascal Rogé.
  • M452 .B9367 Q33 2022 — String quartet no. 3 : apocryphal dances : for baroque (or modern) string quartet / Kenji Bunch.
  • M452 .H42 op.76 — Quartet, op. 76, no. 3 : Kaiser Quartet : two violins, viola & violoncello / Haydn.
  • M452 .W332 M53 2022 — Middleground : for string quartet : (2015) / by Shelley Washington.
  • M482 .G25 S68 2022 — Spunk : for alto saxophone, guitar, violin and double bass : 2019 / Gilbert Galindo.
  • M552 .V23 no.2 2022 — Six string quintets--(Quintet in E-flat major, Nr. 2) : for 2 violins, 2 violas & violoncello / Johann Baptist Vanhal ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M557 .K34 F58 2022 — Five winds : divertimento for woodwind quintet : 1984 / Ulysses Kay.
  • M622 .S489 D3 2023 — Dazwischen als statischer Sonderfall : (2022) : für Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Klavier, Violine und Violoncello / Elnaz Seyedi.
  • M847 .H885 L5 2022 — The likeness of Geography : remix with Georg Philipp Telemann : (2022) : für Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Percussion, Violine, Viola, Violoncello und Klavier / Leopold Hurt.
  • M852 .B84 S75 2022 — The still small voice : for string octet (4 violins, 2 violas, 2 violoncellos) / Kenji Bunch.
  • M862 .V46 H4 2022 — Hekà : for eight instruments : (2006) / Daniele Venturi.
  • M947 .G654 S83 2022 — Sugarcoating #3 : (2022) : for mixed ensemble / Sara Glojnarić.
  • M947 .S6465 H5 2022 — Himmel : for large ensemble, 2021 / Lisa Streich.
  • M1001 .B467 op.20 2023 — Sommerklänge aus Süd-Russland : 2te Sinfonie, op. 20 / von Victor Bendix.
  • M1001 .K7652 op.132 2023 — The seven stars symphony : op. 132, (1933, revised 1944) / Charles Koechlin.
  • M1001 .P05 op.24 2023 — Symphonie h-moll, op. 24 : "Polonia" / Ignacy Jan Paderewski.
  • M1002 .K774 op.159 2023 — La méditation de Purun Baghat : op. 159 / Charles Koechlin.
  • M1003 .F225 FWV K:D22 2023 — Overture-suite in D major (FaWV K:D22) for 2 oboes, bassoon, strings & basso continuo / Johann Fr. Fasch ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M1003 .S152 op.49 2023 — Suite for orchestra in D, op. 49 / Camille Saint-Saens.
  • M1003 .T34 TWV 55:D15 2023 — Overture in D, TWV 55: D15 : 3 oboes, strings, continuo / Telemann ; edited by Maxwell Sobel & Brian Clark.
  • M1004 .A495 I5 2021 — Der Improvisator : overture / Eugen d'Albert.
  • M1004 .K228 op.129 2022 — Juventuti et Patriae, op. 129 : Ouverture für grosses Orchester / Hugo Kaun.
  • M1004 .R885 O9 2022 — Ouverture de concert : (B-Dur) : pour orchestre, op. 60 / composée par Ant. Rubinstein.
  • M1004 .S647 N38 2023 — Two pieces from The wreckers / Ethel Mary Smyth.
  • M1010 .S333 P5 2023 — Phantasiestück : für Clavier mit Begleitung des Orchesters / von Franz Schmidt.
  • M1024 .S82 no.4 2022 — Clarinet concerto Nr. 4 in B-flat major (I-Catalogue Number ICS 5) : for clarinet, strings & basso continuo / Carl Philipp Stamitz ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M1026 .B18 W.C 83 2023 — Bassoon concerto in B-flat major (WarB C 83) for bassoon, 2 oboes, strings & basso continuo / Johann Christian Bach ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M1045 .D3552 L4 2022 — A life's picture : descriptive piece for children on a sequence of images : (2012) : for chamber orchestra / Salvatore Della Vecchia ; edited by Riccardo del Prete.
  • M1045 .L482 T4 2022 — Through the eyes of time : for orchestra / James Lee III.
  • M1060 .B22 S.525 2023 — Sonata per orchestra in mi bemolle maggiore : [after] Orgel-Sonate Es-Dur BWV 525 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; orchestriert von Hermann Hans Wetzler.
  • M1060 .B94 V3 2023 — Variationen über ein Thema von Franz Schubert : für kleines Orchester : op. 2, Februar 1910 / Adolf Busch.
  • M1122 .H38 F maj. 2022 — Oboe concerto in F major (Grof 204) for oboe, 2 violins & basso continuo / Johann A. Hasse ; edited by Alejandro Garri
  • M1145 .V244 D7 2022 — A dragon kiss always ends in ashes : for string orchestra, 2014 / Jonas Valfridsson.
  • M1470 .L592 O9 2022 — Our adventure : for 5 part flex band (2022) / Allison Loggins-Hull.
  • M1500 .C42 B7 2023 — Briséïs ou Les amants de Corinthe / Emmanuel Chabrier.
  • M1500 .U47 B47 2023 — Die Bergknappen : Originalsingspiel in einem Aufzug / Ignaz Umlauf ; Dichtung von Paul Weidmann ; bearbeitet von Robert Haas
  • M1500 .W593 T6 2023 — Tongs and Bones : Kleines Musiktheater ohne Worte für Sopran, Tenor, Bariton und neun Instrumente nach Bildgeschichten von Jim Woodring : Hefte 1+2, Episoden 1-5 : (2019) / Stephan Winkler.
  • M1510 .C465 M3 2023 — Prologues et intermèdes du Le Malade imaginaire de Molière / Marc-Antoine Charpentier.
  • M1520 .H75 G6 2023 — The golden goose : a choral ballet founded on a tale of Grimm : op. 45, no. 1 / written and designed by Jane M. Joseph ; composed by Gustav Holst.
  • M1520 .N68 op.59 2023 — Nikotina : baletní pantomima o sedmi obrazech dle povídky Svatopluka Čecha = Ballettpantomime in sieben Bildern nach einer Erzählung von Svatopluk Cech : op. 59 / Vítězslav Novák.
  • M1530 .B8 op.89 2023 — Gesang der Parzen = Song of the fates : op. 89 : coro (SAATBB), 2 flauti (piccolo), 2 oboi, 2 fagotti, contrafagotto, 4 corni, 2 trombe, 3 tromboni, tuba, timpani, 2 violini, viola, violoncello, contrabbasso / Johannes Brahms ; herausgegeben von = edited by Rainer Boss ; Text: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; English version: Natalia Macfarren
  • M1530 .G12 E4 2023 — Elverskud = The Erl-King's daughter : op. 30 / Niels W. Gade.
  • M1620 .M597 S64 2023 — Lost and forgotten vocal pieces for one or more voices. Vol. 3, Eight French mélodies and one English song / Giacomo Meyerbeer ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Faiman, David Faiman, Robert Ignatius Letellier.
  • M1621 .D235 D8 2023 — Due composizioni sacre / Wolfango dalla Vecchia ; a cura di Silvio Celeghin.
  • M1621 .V48 op.59 2022 — Der Handschuh, op. 59 : Ballade von Friedrich Schiller : für Bass (Bariton) und Klavier / Johann Vesque von Püttlingen
  • M1621.2 .C63 O64 2022 — Ophelia's mad scene : for mezzo-soprano : (2021) / Gloria Coates.
  • M1625 .L47 T4 2022 — Tethered voices : for narrator and orchestra (2020) / James Lee III.
  • M2003 .M382 I83 2022 — Isacco : figura del Redentore : Oratorium für Soli, Chor und Orchestra = Oratorio for Soli, Choir and Orchestra / Marinna Martines.
  • M2010 .H385 R42 2022 — Requiem in B, Soli (SSAATTB), Chor (SATB), 2 flauti, 2 oboi, 2 corni, 2 violini, viola, basso continuo / Johann Adolf Hasse ; herausgegeben von = edited by Wolfgang Hochstein.
  • M2013 .B88 M3 2023 — Missa solemnis : WAB 29 : soli (SATB), coro (SATB), 2 oboi, 2 fagotti, 2 corni, 2 trombe, 3 tromboni, timpani, 2 violini, viola, violoncello, contrabbasso, organo / Anton Bruckner ; herausgegeben von Uwe Wolf = edited by Uwe Wolf.
  • M2020 .H797 H6 2023 — Hope : Easter music : male voice solo, choir (SATB with divisi) alto saxophone, piano, bass and percussion / John Høybye ; text: Edward Broadbridge.
  • M2020 .T35 G67 2023 — Der Gott des Friedens zutrete den Satan : Kantate zum 3. Ostertag : für Sopran-, Alt-, Tenor- und Bass-Solo, vierstimmigen gemischten Chor, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo, TVWV 1:249 / Georg Philipp Telemann ; herausgegeben von Eric F. Fiedler.
  • M2020 .T35 I27 2023 — Ich bin der Herr, dein Arzt : Kantate zum 12. Sonntag nach Trinitatis : für Sopran-, Alt-, Tenor- und Bass-Solo, vierstimmigen gemischten Chor, 2 Oboen, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo, TVWV 1:817 : Jahrgang "Gottfried Simonis Neues Lied" 1720/1721, Nr. 52 / Georg Philipp Telemann ; herausgegeben von Lea Schöneck und Eric F. Fiedler.
  • M2020 .T35 I3785 2023 — Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden : Kantate zum 16. Sonntag nach Trinitatis : für Sopran- oder Tenor-Solo und Bass-Solo, vierstimmigen gemischten Chor, 2 Oboen, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo, TVWV 1:833 / Georg Philipp Telemann ; herausgegeben von Eric F. Fiedler.
  • M2020 .T35 I38 2023 — Ich habe Lust abzuscheiden : Kantate zum 16. Sonntag nach Trinitatis : für Sopran- oder Tenor-Solo und Bass-Solo, vierstimmigen gemischten Chor, 2 flauti (Altblockflöten), 2 Oboen, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo, TVWV 1:834 / Georg Philipp Telemann ; herausgegeben von Eric F. Fiedler.
  • M2020 .T35 S4407 2023 — Sehet nun zu, wie ihr fürsichtiglich wandelt : Kantate zum 8. Sonntag nach Trinitatis : für Sopran-, Alt-, Tenor- und Bass-Solo, vierstimmigen gemischten Chor, 2 Oboen, 2 Violinen, Viola und Basso continuo, TVWV 1:1262 : Jahrgang "Gottfried Simonis Neues Lied" 1720/1721, Nr. 48 / Georg Philipp Telemann ; herausgegeben von Eric F. Fiedler.
  • M2021 .L54 G677 2022 — Gott allein die Ehre : Kantate zum Trinitatisfest / Liebhold ; herausgegeben von Peter Albrecht
  • M2023 .H847 H6 2023 — Hope : Easter music : male voice solo, choir (SATB with divisi) alto saxophone, piano, bass and percussion / John Høybye ; Text: Edward Broadbridge.
  • M2023 .R35 P83 2022 — Der 100. Psalm : op. 106 : coro (SATB divisi), 2 flauti, 2 oboi, 2 clarinetti, 2 fagotti, 2 trombe, 4 corni, 3 tromboni, tuba, timpani, gran cassa, piatti, 2 violini, viola, violoncello, contrabbasso, organo, 4 trombe, 4 tromboni (da lontana) / Max Reger ; herausgegeben von Christopher Grafschmidt & Claudia Seidl.
  • M2062 .B73 A9 2021 — Ave crux, spes nostra : inno : per coro a quattro voci miste (SATB) e organo / Luciano Branno ; Michele Plescia ; testo di p. Tito Paolo Zecca c.p.

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  • ML50 .M347 S52 2023Y — Shadow catch : a chamber opera libretto / Daphne Marlatt.
  • ML54.6 .A58 2022 — First song of the morning : lyrics and intros / Amy Antin.
  • ML79 .S44 2023Y — Écrivains et livret d'opéra au tournant du XXe siècle / Charlotte Segonzac.
  • ML232.8 .R5 D56 2022 — Black Rio nos anos 70 : a grande África soul / André Diniz .
  • ML336 .Y82 2023Y — Chinese music in print : from the great sage to the lady literata / Yuanzheng Yang with contributions by Fong Sing Ha and Colin Huehns.
  • ML410 .B42 S596 2022X — Beethoven in Russia : music and politics / Frederick W. Skinner.
  • ML410 .C54 P945 2022 — Chopin / Jakub Puchalski.
  • ML410 .R27 A5 2022Y — Conversations / Steve Reich.
  • ML410 .S465 D8 2022Y — Alexander Serov and the birth of the Russian modern / Paul du Quenoy.
  • ML410 .S6625 M29 2022Y — Finale : late interviews with Stephen Sondheim / D. T. Max.
  • ML410 .W395 S38 2023X — Weill, Blitzstein, and Bernstein : a study of influence / Rebecca Schmid.
  • ML419 .J323 C37 2023X — The life and music of Graham Jackson / David Cason.
  • ML420 .P974 F44 2023Y — Feel my big guitar : Prince and the sound he helped create / edited by Judson L. Jeffries, Shannon M. Cochran, and Molly Reinhoudt.
  • ML423 .S326 N494 2022 — New horizons in Schenkerian research / edited by Allen Cadwallader, Karen M. Bottge, Oliver Schwab-Felisch.
  • ML429 .M576 A3 2023X — Part of the magic : a collection of Disney-inspired brushes with greatness / Bambi Moé.
  • ML1700 .S9487 2023X — Queer opera / Andrew Sutherland.
  • ML1700.1 .L37 2022 — The last days of the opera / edited by Denise Wendel-Poray, Gert Korentschnig, Christian Kircher.
  • ML2080 .F47 2023X — The music for "Victory at sea" : Richard Rodgers, Robert Russell Bennett, and the making of a TV masterpiece / George J. Ferencz.
  • ML2827.1 .A54 2023Y — Victor Hugo et la mélodie française / Violaine Anger ; préface de François Le Roux ; postlude de Gérard Dessons.
  • ML3545 .T56 2023X — An evolving tradition : the Child ballads in modern folk and rock music / Dave Thompson.
  • ML3799.2 .A78 2022X — At the crossroads of music and social justice / edited by Brenda M. Romero, Susan M. Asai, David A. McDonald, Andrew G. Snyder, and Katelyn E. Best.
  • ML3800 .T77 2023X — Rhythmicity and Deleuze : practice as research in the musical-philosophical / Steve Tromans.
  • ML3830 .L578 2022 — Listening/Hearing / hg. von Carsten Seiffarth und Raoul Mörchen ; im Auftrag der Beethovenstiftung für Kunst und Kultur der Bundesstadt Bonn.
  • ML3830 .N3324 2023X — Career choices in music beyond the pandemic : musical and psychological perspectives / Julie Jaffee Nagel.
  • ML3877 .D54 2023 — Aesthetics of pop music / Diedrich Diederichsen ; translated by George Robarts.
  • ML3916 .T48 2023X — Theology and protest music / edited by Jonathan H. Harwell, Heidi M. Altman ; foreword by Jason C. Bivins.
  • MT1 .L688 2023X — Knowing the children we teach : essays on music learning / Danette Littleton and Meryl Sole.

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  • CD 6309 — Gesangszenen und Mikrodramen / Friedhelm Döhl.
  • CD 6331 — Trajektorie / Violeta Dinescu.
  • CD 6379 — But not forgotten / Greg Runions Group.
  • CD 6391-6392 — The wives of the dead = Die Frauen der Toten / Alois Bröder.
  • CD 6402 — Tableaux from France.
  • CD 12881-12882 — Un giorno di regno [sound recording] / Giuseppe Verdi.
  • CD 31212-31213 — Il cappello di paglia di Firenze / Nino Rota.
  • CD 50725 — La musique sacrée avec clavier / Fauré.
  • CD 53938 — Hedûr = Solace of time / Aynur.
  • CD 57089-57091 — Nixon in China [sound recording] / Adams.
  • CD 60651-60652 — Préludes [sound recording] / Claude Debussy.
  • CD 63228-63231 — The Great Learning [sound recording] / Cornelius Cardew.
  • CD 71781 — Cello concertos [sound recording] = Cello-Konzerte / Lalo/Saint-Saëns. Élégie / Fauré.

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