Recent Acquisitions

Check out the new books, scores, and recordings added to our shelves over the last two weeks. View our weekly highlights in the New Arrivals display at the library or jump to the complete list of new scores, books, eBooks, and CDs.

Weekly highlights

Book cover for Science, music, and mathematicsMcIntyre, Michael Edgeworth. 2023. Science, Music, and Mathematics : the Deepest Connections. Second edition. New Jersey: World Scientific. [ML3800 .M295 2023X]

"Professor Michael Edgeworth McIntyre is an eminent scientist who has also had a part-time career as a musician. In this book he offers an extraordinary synthesis, revealing the many deep connections between science, music, and mathematics. He avoids equations and technical jargon. The connections are deep in the sense of being embedded in our very nature, rooted in biological evolution over hundreds of millions of years. Michael guides us through biological evolution, perception psychology, and even unconscious science and mathematics, all the way to the scientific uncertainties about the climate crisis. He also has a message of hope for the future. Contrary to popular belief, he holds that biological evolution has given us not only the nastiest, but also the most compassionate and cooperative parts of human nature. This insight comes from recognizing that biological evolution is far more than a simple competition between selfish genes. Instead, he argues, in some ways it is more like the turbulent, eddying flow in a river or in an atmospheric jet stream, a complex process spanning a vast range of timescales. Professor McIntyre is a Fellow of the Royal Society of London (FRS) and has long been interested in how different branches of science can better communicate with each other, and with the public. His work harnesses aspects of neuroscience and psychology that point toward the deep 'lucidity principles' that underlie skilful communication, principles related to the way music works - music of any genre. This Second Edition sharpens the previous discussion of communication skills and their importance for today's great problems, ranging from the widely discussed climate crisis to the need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of artificial intelligence"-- Provided by publisher.

Book cover for The Music of my lifeMcClain, Steve. 2023. The Music of My Life : Finding My Way after My Mother’s MS Diagnosis. Akron, Ohio: University of Akron Press. [ML420 .M37 A3 2023X]

"The Music of My Life: Finding My Way After My Mother's MS Diagnosis follows the life of Steve McClain after his mother is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis early in his childhood. He recounts the story of his mother's life growing up in Northeast Ohio and her struggles with single parenthood and a devastating, chronic illness, at a time when there was very little to no treatment. This work began as a way to tell the story of Steve's mother, but it is as much her story as it is his own journey as caregiver, son, musician, and MS patient"-- Provided by publisher.

Book cover for The Legacy of the BluesCharters, Samuel. 1997. The Legacy of the Blues : the Art and Lives of Twelve Great Bluesmen. London: Boyars. [ML3556 .C475 L4 1975x]

The blues is in every way a language, one which has evolved its own rules and which is the sole property of a culture always forced to the periphery of white society. As such it is a political language, regardless of the content. Whether, as legacy, it is passed from African village to Mississippi farm, or from farm to Chicago ghetto, or from ghetto to Paris café, it is part of a larger oral heritage that is an expression of black America. Makeshift instruments, runaway slaves, railroads, prisons, empty rooms, work gangs, blindness and pain have all been involved in the passing of this legacy, which has moved from hand to hand like a bottle of whisky among friends and which now, for whatever reasons, seems faced with extinction. As Lightnin' Hopkins says: 'I see a few young musicians coming along. But it's not many. It's not many at all, and the few that is -- I'll tell you, you know what I mean, they don't have it. They just don't feel it...I never had that trouble. I had the only thing you need to be a blues singer. I was born with the blues.' Samuel Charters, novelist, poet and eminent historian of jazz and the blues, has chosen twelve major bluesman, each of whom represents a major facet of the blues. He has skillfully portrayed them through their own words, using interviews, photographs, lyrics, and separate chapters on the black experience in America, and the evolution of the blues language from its African origins.

Book cover for Social voicesGibbs, Levi. 2023. Social Voices : the Cultural Politics of Singers Around the Globe. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. [ML3916 .S656 2023X]

"Around the world and across time, singers and their songs stand at the crossroads of differing politics and perspectives. Levi S. Gibbs edits a collection built around the idea of listening as a political act that produces meaning. Contributors explore a wide range of issues by examining artists like Romani icon Esma Redžepova, Indian legend Lata Mangeshkar, and pop superstar Teresa Teng. Topics include gendered performances and the negotiation of race and class identities; the class-related contradictions exposed by the divide between highbrow and pop culture; links between narratives of overcoming struggle and the distinction between privileged and marginalized identities; singers' ability to adapt to shifting notions of history, borders, gender, and memory in order to connect with listeners; how the meanings we read into a singer's life and art build on one another; and technology's ability to challenge our ideas about what constitutes music. Cutting-edge and original, Social Voices reveals how singers and their songs equip us to process social change and divergent opinions"-- Provided by publisher.

Book cover for Composing aidShao, Oliver Y. 2023. Composing Aid : Music, Refugees, and Humanitarian Politics. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. [ML3917 .K45 S53 2023X]

"Music and arts initiatives are often praised for their capacity to aid in the rehabilitation of refugees. However, it is crucial to recognize that this celebratory view can also mask the unequal power dynamics involved in regulating forced migration. In Composing Aid, Oliver Shao turns a critical ear towards the United Nations-run Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya, one of the largest and oldest encampments in the world. This politically engaged ethnography delves into various cultural practices, including hip hop shows, traditional dances, religious ceremonies, and NGO events, in an urbanized borderland area beset with precarity and inequality. How do songs intersect with the politics of belonging in a space controlled by state and humanitarian forces? Why do camp authorities support certain musical activities over others? What can performing artists teach us about the inequities of the international refugee regime? Offering a provocative contribution to ethnomusicological methods through its focus on activist research, Composing Aid elucidates the powerful role of music and the arts in reproducing, contesting, and reimagining the existing migratory order"-- Provided by publisher.

Book cover for Mariachi entre la tradicion y la innovacionSamaniega, Francisco. 2020. “Mariachi : entre la tradición y la innovación.” In , Primera edición. Zapopan, Jalisco: El Colegio de Jalisco. [ML3570 .C64 2019]

Este libro compendia algunas de las ponencias presentadas durante el pasado Coloquio Internacional del Mariachi 2019, celebrado en el xviii Encuentro Nacional de Mariachi Tradicional 2019. “Entre la tradición y la innovación” es el extraordinario lema de nuestro Coloquio en este año 2019, propuesta de nuestra nueva Secretaría de Cultura de Jalisco, la Lic. Giovana Jaspersen. Precisamente en un año en que nuestra región “corazón del mariachi”: el occidente de México, conmemora el primer Centenario del Fallecimiento del literato y diplomático tepiqueño Amado Nervo allá en Montevideo, en donde de forma similar al origen etimológico del término “mariachi”, su vieja música de cuerdas y su contexto de danza al parecer pasó del incaico término “tampu” al criollo “tambo” para, finalmente y tras los aportes de sus afromestizos, culminar siendo el “tango” que es también como nuestto mariachi, Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de toda la humanidad.

Book cover for Zygmunt KrauzeNikolʹskai︠a︡, I. (Irina). 2017. Zygmunt Krauze i ego muzyka. Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo “Kompozitor.” [ML410 .K7565 N55 2017]

Предлагаемая широкому кругу читателей книга Ирины Никольской о Зыгмунте Краузе (1938 г. р.) является первой в нашей стране монографией о выдающемся современном польском композиторе и пианисте, основателе ансамбля, исполняющего мировую авангардную музыку XX века, «Варштат Музычны» («Warsztat Muzyczny» — «Музыкальная Мастерская»), В исследовании детально освещены самые разные грани творческого дарования художника. Выпускник Варшавской Высшей Музыкальной Школы по классам фортепиано и композиции, он стажировался в Парижской консерватории у Нади Буланже; концертировал по всему миру; исполнялся в Германии, Австрии, Голландии, Франции, Японии, Китае, Южной Корее, Гонконге. Как композитор Зыгмунт Краузе стартовал в середине 1960-х годов со своей эстетической платформой унизма — авангардной по сути, противостоящей главному в те годы направлению польской композиторской школы — сонористике. Весьма резонансными стали его эксперименты в области пространственной музыки и в дальнейшем — опусы, где он обращается к фольклору разных стран. В 1990-е годы композитор всё более тяготеет к открытой экспрессии в оригинальных тембровых воплощениях, что насыщает его музыку особым звучанием. Последние двадцать лет продуктивно работает в оперном жанре, добиваясь самобытных стилевых решений. Не менее плодотворна музыкально-общественная деятельность 3. Краузе в составе международной организации ISME (несколько лет был ее президентом), в качестве советника Пьера Булеза в IRCAM (в 1980-е годы) и пр.

Book cover for Music and visual culture in Renaissance ItalyHenry, Chriscinda, and Tim Shephard. 2023. Music and Visual Culture in Renaissance Italy. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. [ML3849 .M9354 2023X]

"The essays in this volume explore the relationship between music and art in the Italian Renaissance across the long sixteenth century, considering an era when music-making was both a subject of Italian painting and a central metaphor in treatises on the arts. Beginning in the fifteenth century, transformations emerge in the depiction of music within visual arts, the conceptualization of music in ethics and poetics, and in the practice of musical harmony. This book brings together contributors from across music and art history to consider the trajectories of these changes and the connections between them, both in theory and in the practices of everyday life. In sixteen chapters, the contributors blend iconographic analysis with a wider range of approaches, investigate the discourse surrounding the arts, and draw on both social art history and the material turn in Renaissance studies. They address not only paintings and sculpture, but a wide range of visual media and domestic objects, from instruments to tableware, to reveal a rich, varied, and sometimes tumultuous exchange among musical and visual arts and ideas. Enriching our understanding of the subtle intersections between visual, material, and musical arts across the long Renaissance, this book offers new insights for scholars of music, art, and cultural history"-- Provided by publisher.

Book cover for Tisky do roku 1700Stefancová, Dagmar. 2019. Tisky do roku 1700 v Národním muzeu, Českém muzeu hudby. 1. vydání. Praha: Národní muzeum. [ML136 .P73 M897 2019]

Vědecký katalog starých tisků vydaných od roku 1499 do roku 1700 soustřeďuje údaje o všech relevantních tiscích z hudebněhistorického oddělení Českého muzea hudby (celkem 107 položek). Jedná se o liturgické knihy, sborníky renesanční polyfonie, raně barokní kompozice, ale také hudebněteoretické práce a učebnice. Katalog je velmi podrobně zpracován, vybaven několika druhy rejstříků a obrazovou dokumentací. Badatel se tak může ve sbírkovém fondu NM-ČMH dobře orientovat a získat informace o pramenech, z nichž mnohé jsou unikátně zachovány v domácím i světovém měřítku. Zhodnocením sbírky starých tisků se z obsahového hlediska zabývá speciální kapitola, která v jednotlivých tematických skupinách představuje čtenářům známá i méně známá jména renesančních a barokních skladatelů, teoretiků a tiskařů. Kniha je uvedena studií o vzniku této sbírky a její historii v letech 1818–1989

Book cover for The Living art of violin playingTaranto-Pyatt, Maureen, and Peter Stickel. 2023. The Living Art of Violin Playing : Progressive Form. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. [MT260 .T37 2023X]

"Blending creative insights with wisdom of the masters, professional violinist Maureen Taranto-Pyatt shares practical guidance in her new methodology, Progressive Form. With The Living Art of Violin Playing, violinists will learn to appreciate the physics and geometry of movement to facilitate a nuanced flow of compression and release in playing. A gradual building of technique begins from sitting or standing, moves through the torso into the left arm, sets up an effective bow arm, and then combines the two in a holistic context. Imagery invigorates each of the technical movements, instilling new patterns and integrating components into new, larger forms. Featuring nearly 400 photos and musical examples to illustrate technical elements of balance and gesture, Progressive Form can be used as a step-by-step retooling of technique or as a reference to target specific issues. A comprehensive exploration of method in service of musical expression, The Living Art of Violin Playing offers the aspiring and serious violinist a path toward a more liberated musical world"-- Provided by publisher.

Descriptions for each item provided by the publisher and/or from the catalogue description.

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Keep reading for the complete list of new scores, books, and eBooks, and CDs.


  • M22 .R243 S4 2022 — Seven pieces for a modern boy : for piano (1972) / Carlos Rausch.
  • M23 .S578 no.10 2022 — Piano sonata no. 10 / Roberto Sierra.
  • M25 .C7533 S6 2023 — Sei sonate per clavicembalo / Giacomo Croce ; edizione a cura di Maurizio Machella.
  • M25 .P287 E8 2022 — Étude pour piano / Brice Pauset.
  • M51 .B2 S28 2022 — Sechs Suiten für Violoncello solo, BWV 1007-1012 / Johann Sebastian Bach.
  • M62 .A522 I35 2022 — In memoriam: Greg Fukashima : for alto flute, 2022 / T.J. Anderson
  • M87 .P198 F25 2023 — Fanfare for Broadway Tower : for solo trumpet : (2020) / Roxanna Panufnik.
  • M127 .T654 op.67 no.1 2022 — Sonata no. 1 - rejuvenation, op. 67 : guitare seule = for solo guitar / Siyoh Tomiyama.
  • M231 .E45 S6 2023 — Six sonatas for violoncello and basso continuo, op. 1. Volume 2, sonatas 4-6 / Philip Peter Eiffert ; edited by Michael Talbot.
  • M231 .S964 S6 2022 — Sonata na wiolonczelę i fortepian = for violoncello and piano / Józef Świder.
  • M262 .W56 2022 — Winds of change : 12 progressive solos for trombone and piano / edited by Dr. Carrie Blosser & Ashley Killam.
  • M312.4 .P94 op.9 no.2 2022 — Trio sonata in C major (op. 9, Nr. 2) : for 2 violins and basso continuo / Gaetano Pugnani ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M322 .G722 T72 2022 — Trio sonata in G major, GraunWV d:XV:150 : for 2 transverse flutes and basso continuo / Carl Heinrich Graun ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M351 .V36 W.VIIb: E1 2022 — Trio sonata in E major : (Op. 1, Nr. 3) : for violin, viola & basso continuo / Johann Baptist Vanhal ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M385 .H8215 T73 2023 — Trauma und Zwischenraum 3 : (2021) : für Akkordeon, Schlagzeug/Objekte, E-Gitarre/Synthesizer / Ole Hübner.
  • M452 .A232 op.8 no.3 2022 — Six string quartets (op. 8, WK 63 in E-flat major) for 2 violins, viola & violoncello / Carl Friedrich Abel ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
  • M585 .W959 B6 2022 — Blue identity : ensemble version for marimba solo and percussion quartet / She-E Wu.
  • M617 .B787 op.34 2022 — Sextett op. 34, für Flöte, Oboe, Klarinette, Fagott, Horn und Klavier = for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn and piano / Victor Bruns ; herausgegeben von Berthold Große & Oliver Drechsel.
  • M985 .D34 D7 2022 — Drakenvuur : for 15-21 percussionists / Nathan Daughtrey.
  • M1001 .W58 no.17 2022 — Sinfonie Nr. 17 G-Dur / Friedrich Witt ; herausgegeben von Bert Hagels.
  • M1002 .S56 op.22 2023 — Lemminkäinen-Suite : Vier Legenden : für Orchester = Four legends : for orchestra, op. 22 / Jean Sibelius ; herausgegeben von = edited by Tuija Wicklund.
  • M1003 .B96 op.41 2023 — Variationen über ein Thema von W. A. Mozart : für Orchester : op. 41 / Adolf Busch.
  • M1003 .R245 no.1 B83 2023 — Daphnis et Chloé : Fragments symphoniques 1re suite : pour orchestre et choeur = Symphonische Fragmente 1. Suite : für Orchester und Chor = Symphonic fragments 1st suite : for orchestra and choir / Maurice Ravel ; herausgegeben von / edited by / éditée par Jean-Francois Monnard.
  • M1003 .R245 no.2 B83 2023 — Daphnis et Chloé : fragments symphoniques 2e suite : pour orchestre et chœur = Symphonische Fragmente 2. Suite : für Orchester und Chor = Symphonic fragments 2nd suite : for orchestra and choir / Maurice Ravel ; herausgegeben von = edited by = éditée par Jean-François Monnard.
  • M1004 .P369 S6 2022 — Slightly comic overture : for orchestra / Robert Paterson
  • M1013 .D9 op.53 2023 — Violinkonzert a-moll Opus 53 = Violin concerto in A minor, op. 53 / Antonín Dvorák ; herausgegeben von Peter Jost = edited by Peter Jost ; Klavierauszug von Johannes Umbreit = piano reduction by Johannes Umbreit ; mit zusätzlicher bezeichneter Violinstimme von Augustin Hadelich = with supplementary violin part marked by Augustin Hadelich.
  • M1041 .K85 A4 2022 — Aisthetikos duo : na saksofon sopranowy i fortepian = for soprano saxophone and piano / Hanna Kulenty.
  • M1045 .B9544 S44 2022 — She flies with her own wings : for orchestra / Kenji Bunch.
  • M1045 .B998 W3 2022 — A walk to Schubert's Fifth symphony : for chamber orchestra : (2021) / Britta Byström.
  • M1045 .G656 V65 2022 — Los Voladores : for orchestra / Alice Gomez.
  • M1060 .E54 S42 2023 — "Shed" symphony no. 3 in G / Edward Elgar ; arranged for orchestra from Shed 6 for wind quintet and Shed 7 for mixed sextet by Phillip Brookes.
  • M1101 .R73 op.21 2022 — Symphonia brevis : op. 21 / Herman Roelstraete.
  • M1103 .N433 S4 2023 — Serenade voor strijkorkest / Vic Nees.
  • M1140 .S623 D9 2022 — Dying fallings of sweet airs : for violin, bandoneon and string orchestra (2022) / Bent Sørensen.
  • M1140 H3 2023 — Harmonies du soir : poème pour quatuor & orchestre de cordes, op. 31 ; Brabanconne : pour orchestre / Eugene Ysaÿe.
  • M1495 .O9 2023 — The Oxford book of choral music by Black composers / compiled and edited by Marques L.A. Garrett.
  • M1500 .L353 S36 2022 — Scourge of hyacinths : an opera in twelve scenes : based on the radio play "A scourge of hyacinths" by Wole Soyinka / music and libretto by Tania León.
  • M1500 .R28 H4 2022 — L'heure espagnole : Comédie musicale en un acte = Musikalische Komödie in einem Akt = Musical comedy in one act / Maurice Ravel ; Libretto von = Words by = Poème de Franc-Nohain ; herausgegeben von = edited by = éditée par Jean-François Monnard.
  • M1505 .R26 Z67 2022 — Zoroastre : tragédie en cinq actes : versions de 1749 et 1756 : Symphonies : extraites des partitions d'orchestre / Jean-Philippe Rameau ; livret de Louis de Cahusac ; édition de Graham Sadler.
  • M1613 .B2143 A53 2022 — Alabama landscape : for bass-baritone and full orchestra / David Baker ; text by Mari Evans.
  • M1613.3 .P73 R8 2022 — Ryoko no Nô : für Stimme und Streichquartett, 2020 / Robert HP Platz.
  • M1613.3 .R325 B6 2023 — Blodhov = Bloodhoof : monodrama for mezzo-soprano and eight instruments : 2016-2019 / Karin Rehnqvist.
  • M1620 .M597 S64 2023 — Lost and forgotten vocal pieces for one or more voices. Vol. 1, Eleven Italian canzonette / Giacomo Meyerbeer ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Faiman, David Faiman, Robert Ignatius Letellier.
  • M1621.2 .F542 P7 2023 — Proesie su testi di Federico Maria Sardelli per voce sola. Libro I : (2020) / Francesco Filidei.
  • M2011 .V75 T9 2023 — Two masses for male choir a cappella / Robert Volkmann.
  • M2020 .G846 T7 2023 — Trilogia sabauda a Maria Cristina di Savoia : cantata per baritono, coro di voci bianche, coro di voci maschili e orchestra / Luigi Guida ; a cura di Francesco Aliberti, Candida Guida, Giovanni Lucibello.
  • M2021 .M4886 P72 2022 — Beatus vir : SATB soli/ripieni, five instruments, continuo / R.I. Mayr ; [edited by] Brian Clark

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  • ML85 .P75 2022 — Musical images at the court of Alfonso I d'Este : patronage and self-representation in early sixteenth-century Ferrara / Gaia Prignano.
  • ML286.8 .O9 M87 2023X — Music in twentieth-century Oxford : new directions / edited by Robin Darwall-Smith and Susan Wollenberg.
  • ML1015 .B3 A45 2023X — Making music : the banjo in a southern Appalachian county / William C. Allsbrook, Jr.
  • ML1015 .G9 M39 2022Y — Storied strings : the guitar in American art / Leo G. Mazow ; with additional essays by Philip J. Deloria and Jayson Kerr Dobney.
  • ML3111.5 .B58 2023X — Songs I love to sing : the Billy Graham crusades and the shaping of modern worship / Edith L. Blumhofer.
  • ML3520 .S68 2023X — Highways and heartaches : how Ricky Skaggs, Marty Stuart, and children of the New South saved the soul of country music / Michael Streissguth.
  • ML3531 .H344 2023X — Break and flow : hip hop poetics in the Americas / Charlie D. Hankin.
  • ML3534.3 .R675 2023X — The Jive 95 : an oral history of America's greatest underground rock radio station, KSAN San Francisco / Hank Rosenfeld.
  • ML3849 .A85 2022Y — Air et écritures : sous les regards croisés d'Euterpe et de Thalie / [publié par l'] Association européenne François Mauriac ; textes réunis par Françoise Hanus et Patrizia Prati.
  • ML3917 .U6 C34 2023X — Haight-Ashbury, psychedelics, and the birth of acid rock / Robert J. Campbell ; revised and edited by David P. Szatmary.

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  • CD 6538 — Afro bop alliance / Caribbean Jazz Project ; featuring Dave Samuels.
  • CD 6558 — VEJI now! / Hugh Fraser & the Vancouver Ensemble of Jazz Improvisation.
  • CD 6559 — Les trois Michel / Michel Donato, Michel Lambert, Michel Leviev.
  • CD 6575 — Pianissimo / Chucho Valdés.
  • CD 6577 — Let my children hear music / Charles Mingus.
  • CD 6578 — Takin' it 2 the next level / WSQ.
  • CD 6579 — Cassandra Wilson sings standards.
  • CD 6583 — Watercolours / Altsys Jazz Orchestra with Donny McCaslin.
  • CD 6584 — The state of bliss / Karin Plato.
  • CD 6620 — Of battles unknown mysteries / Chris Tarry.
  • CD 6623 — The trio / Makoto Ozone, Kiyoshi Kitagawa, Clarence Penn.
  • CD 6642 — Eloquence / Oscar Peterson Trio.
  • CD 6664 — Bay d'espoir / Rob Frayne, Chris McCann Quartet.
  • CD 6665 — Drum suite / Art Blakey.
  • CD 6666 — House of bass : the best of Jamaaladeen Tacuma.
  • CD 6675 — Chance meeting / Jazzlab.
  • CD 6680-6681 — Deeper still / Glenn Buhr.
  • CD 6695 — Theory of art / Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers.
  • CD 6714 — How 'ya gonna keep 'em down on the farm? / Beverly Taft.
  • CD 6733-6734 — The complete Modern and Kent recordings / Miss Etta James.
  • CD 6735 — Solo, live in New York / Cucho Valdes.
  • CD 6835 — Holly Cole.
  • CD 6841 — Domador de huellas : music of "Cuchi" Leguizamón / [arranged and performed by] Guillermo Klein.
  • CD 6888 — Lake Superior / Tunnel Six.
  • CD 6908 — Onward! / Manteca.
  • CD 6911 — Homescape / Nguyên Lê.
  • CD 6918 — Senses : solo piano / Omar Sosa.
  • CD 6922 — Kelenia / Oran Etkin.
  • CD 6945-6946 — Cab Calloway.
  • CD 25824-25826 — Hippolyte et Aricie [sound recording] / Rameau.
  • CD 26234 — Klangwelten [sound recording].
  • CD 64890 — The complete recordings of the Paul Desmond Quartet with Jim Hall [sound recording].
  • CD 75759-75765 — The Decca years.

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