1. Articles from print and online dictionaries and encyclopaedias
The in-text citation for substantial authored articles in reference works (both online and in print) contains the last name of the author(s) of the entry followed by the year of publication.
In-text Citation:
- (Author Last Name Year Published)
- (1st Author Last Name and 2nd Author Last Name Year Published)
- (McClymonds and Heartz 2001)
- (Walsh 2007)
Sample sentence: Stravinsky’s The Rite of Spring was premiered on May 29 in the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées in Paris and provoked a riotous uproar from the audience (Walsh 2007).
Articles from dictionaries and encyclopedias can be cited in author-date format by adapting the notes and bibliography recommendations (CMOS 14.234). The reference list entry has a format similar to contributions to a multi-author book. If the reference work is online, provide an indication of the format and the date of access.
- 1st Author Last Name, First Name, 2nd Author First Name Last name. Year Published. “Article Title.” In Work Title in Italics, Entry Page Number. Volume number of Name of Publication in Italics, edited by Name of Editor(s). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.
- 1st Author Last Name, First Name, 2nd Author First Name Last name. Year Published. “Article Title.” In Work Title in Italics, Entry Page Number. Volume number of Name of Publication in Italics, edited by Name of Editor(s). Name of Publisher, online ed. Access Date. URL or DOI.
- McClymonds, Marita P., and Daniel Heartz. 2001. “Opera Seria.” In Nisard to Palestrina, 485-93. Vol. 18 of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, edited by Stanley Sadie. New York: Grove’s Dictionaries.
- Walsh, Stephen. 2007. “Stravinsky, Igor (Fyodorovich).” In Grove Music Online. Oxford University Press, online ed. http
://www ..oxfordmusiconline.com/