Check out the new books, scores, and recordings added to our shelves since our last Recent Acquisitions post on August 27, 2024. View some highlights in the New Arrivals display at the library or jump to the complete list of new scores, books, eBooks, and CDs.
Weekly highlights
Levitin, Daniel J. 2024. I Heard There Was a Secret Chord : Music as Medicine. New York, NY: W.W. Norton and Company. [ML3920 .L666 2024Y]
Neuroscientist and New York Times bestselling author of This Is Your Brain on Music Daniel J. Levitin reveals how the deep connections between music and the human brain can be harnessed for healing. Music is perhaps one of humanity's oldest medicines as well as its most universal: from China to the Ottoman Empire, Europe to Africa and pre-colonial South America, cultures have developed rich traditions for using sound and rhythm to ease suffering, spur healing, and calm the mind. Despite this history, musical therapy has long been considered the remit of ancient practice and alternative medicine, if not outright quackery and pseudoscience. In the last decade, however, an overwhelming body of scientific evidence has emerged that persuasively argues music can offer profoundly effective treatment for a whole host of ailments, from Alzheimer's to PTSD, depression, pain, and cognitive injury. It is, in short, one of the most potent and remarkably promising new therapies available today. A work of dazzling ideas, cutting-edge research, and joyful celebration of the human mind, I Heard There Was a Secret Chord explores the critical role music has played in human evolution, illuminating how the story of the human brain is inseparable from the creative enterprise of music that has bound cultures together throughout history. Music insinuates itself into our earliest memories; it is intimately connected to our emotional regulation and cognition; its shared rhythms and sounds are essential to our social behaviors. As neuroscientist Daniel J. Levitin demonstrates in this mind-expanding follow-up to This Is Your Brain on Music—which revolutionized our understanding of the neuroscience of song—medical researchers are now finding that these same deep connections can be harnessed to create profound benefits for those both young and old.
Lovatto, Alberto, and Alessandro Zolt. 2019. La ribeba in Valsesia : nella storia europea dello scacciapensieri. Lucca: Libreria musicale italiana. [ML1087 .L69 2019]
Il lavoro di Lovatto e Zolt, a distanza di più di trent’anni della già menzionata e fondamentale monografia sull’argomento a opera di Alberto Lovatto, è un compendio pressoché definitivo sul caso valsesiano. Attraverso l’analisi delle evidenze archeologiche, documentali ed etnografiche, gli autori ci accompagnano in un suggestivo e documentatissimo viaggio nella storia della ribeba, prendendo in considerazione in modo esaustivo la storia delle fonti antiche e moderne, l’attenzione riservata allo scacciapensieri dagli studi etnomusicologici ed etno-organologici nel corso del Novecento, la storia delle officine e la loro organizzazione, le tecniche costruttive e la loro evoluzione nel tempo, la fortuna commerciale della ribeba valsesiana nel mondo, le caratteristiche morfologiche dello strumento e le fonti di rilevanza etnografica sulle tecniche esecutive, l’analisi dei marchi di fabbrica, le denominazioni locali attestate nelle fonti storiche e nell’uso popolare, con un censimento approfondito degli strumenti conservati nei musei e nelle collezioni private italiane. Un capitolo conclusivo è dedicato alle dinamiche di oblio e di permanenza dello strumento nell’immaginario collettivo valsesiano. Dimenticata e poi riemersa come simbolo la ribeba ha conosciuto, in tempi recenti, processi di riscoperta e rifunzionalizzazione da parte delle comunità locali, anche in chiave revivalistica, una renaissance la cui vicenda è tutt’altro che conclusa e per la quale, come spesso è accaduto nel contatto tra ricerca e comunità locali, questo prezioso volume giocherà probabilmente un ruolo decisivo.
O’Connor, Patrick Joseph. 2024. Wichita Blues : Music in the African American Community. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. [ML3521 .O35 2024X]
In conversations on regional blues, the traditions of the Mississippi Delta, the Carolina Piedmont, Chicago, Houston, Memphis, New Orleans, and Los Angeles are frequently lauded. But until now, little attention has been paid to the Midwest, despite the presence and popularity of blues in these heartland communities. Wichita Blues: Music in the African American Community seeks to address this gap in music history by exploring the lively Wichita blues tradition. In interviews with nineteen African American Wichita blues performers, author Patrick Joseph O'Connor reveals the evolution of the blues from the 1930s to the 1960s and beyond. Utilizing twenty-five years of fieldwork, Wichita Blues details the history of performance and camaraderie among the musicians of this often-neglected regional sound. The personal interviews offer unique insight into topics that shape Wichita's sound, including how migration from Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas brought varied artists to the area and the ways musical traditions cross racial divides and generations. The artists articulate the poetics of the blues and the diverse regional influences that can be detected in their music. In exploring the Wichita blues tradition, O'Connor traces African American history in Kansas, ranging from the Exoduster movement in the late nineteenth century and minstrel shows across the state to Black cowboys and growing urban African American communities in Topeka and Wichita. Including a foreword by renowned music scholar David Evans, Wichita Blues allows seasoned blues musicians to tell their own stories and paints a picture of the vibrant Black music scene in the city.
Hernandez, Julian. 2022. Folla con él : todas las versiones de Siniestro Total y sus circunstancias. Barcelona: Trama Editorial. [ML421 .S543 H47 2022]
Todos sabemos al menos una canción de Siniestro Total. Todos sin excepción. De hecho, las conocen incluso quienes jamás han abierto una novela de Pérez-Reverte o Paulo Coelho. Porque Siniestro Total lo ha cantado todo: ha cantado a los toreros, a la nicotina, a los bocatas de morcilla, a dormir la siesta, al origen del mundo, al síndrome de Estocolmo, a tumbarse a la bartola y a esa chica muy mona que nació en Barcelona. Siempre con el más férreo buen humor. Gallego, universal y con cuarenta años de aclamación popular, Julián Hernández nos ofrece la historia de su banda partiendo de las influencias que lo marcaron como músico. En Folla con él (un título cuyo origen se explica en estas páginas) nos encontramos un recorrido por el rock de todas las décadas, y unas soterradas memorias de un artista y una banda para quienes se acuñó un adjetivo, «inclasificable», que luego nos han robado en miles y miles de textos de contracubierta
Mehl, Margaret. 2024. Music and the Making of Modern Japan : Joining the Global Concert. Cambridge: Open Book Publishers. [ML340.4 .M44 2024Y]
Japan was the first non-Western nation to compete with the Western powers at their own game. The country's rise to a major player on the stage of Western music has been equally spectacular. The connection between these two developments, however, has never been explored. How did making music make Japan modern? How did Japan make music that originated in Europe its own? And what happened to Japan's traditional music in the process? Music and the Making of Modern Japan answers these questions. Discussing musical modernization in the context of globalization and nation-building, Margaret Mehl argues that, far from being a side-show, music was part of the action on centre stage. Making music became an important vehicle for empowering the people of Japan to join in the shaping of the modern world. In only fifty years, from the 1870s to the early 1920s, Japanese people laid the foundations for the country's post-war rise as a musical as well as an economic power. Meanwhile, new types of popular song, fuelled by the growing global record industry, successfully blended inspiration from the West with musical characteristics perceived as Japanese. Music and the Making of Modern Japan represents a fresh contribution to historical research on making music as a major cultural, social, and political force.
Lada, Tomasz. 2022. Zagrani na śmierć : mroczne ścieżki polskiego undergroundu. Wołowiec: Wydawnictwo Czarne. [ML3534.6 .P7 L34 2022]
„Serce mi szybciej bić zaczyna, morfina, haszysz, amfetamina”. Ale jak wyglądało życie tych, którym serce zabiło zbyt szybko? Rołt, Skandal i Sadek – legendy polskiej sceny alternatywnej – muzyczni geniusze, których pogrążyła heroina. Współtworzyli najważniejsze nagrania polskiego rocka – „czarną Brygadę” Brygady Kryzys, Historię podwodną Lecha Janerki, wczesne utwory Armii, „czwórkę” Dezertera, mroczne romanse grupy Madame oraz kultowe albumy Houka i Kobonga. Wszyscy trzej byli niezwykle utalentowani, wszyscy żyli na krawędzi, żaden nie uciekł od archetypu rockandrollowego straceńca. Śmierć każdego z nich obrosła legendą. W książce Tomasza Lady o Januszu Rołcie, Dariuszu Hajnie i Robercie Sadowskim opowiadają przyjaciele i współpracownicy. Ich historie, choć różne, zdają się toczyć według tego samego scenariusza – wybitny i zdeterminowany muzyk, którego pokonują twarde dragi. Romantyczni artyści nieuznający półśrodków czy mityczni rockmani żyjący według bezwzględnych reguł narzucanych przez scenę? Zagrani na śmierć to historia tragicznych artystów i opowieść o czasach, gdy na krajowej scenie powstawały rzeczy epokowe.
Sharon, Yuval. 2024. A New Philosophy of Opera. New York, NY: Liveright Publishing Corporation. [ML3858 .S437 2024Y]
Known as opera’s “disrupter-in-residence,” director Yuval Sharon has never adhered to the art form’s conventions. In his many productions in both the United States and Europe, he constantly challenges the perception of opera as aloof by urging, among other things: performing operas in “non-places,” such as parking lots; encouraging the use of amplification; and shuffling the traditional structure of classic works, like performing Puccini’s La bohème in reverse order, ending not with the tubercular heroine Mimi’s death but with her first falling in love. With A New Philosophy of Opera, Sharon has crafted a radical and refreshing book that can act as an introduction to the art form for the culturally curious, or as a manifesto for his fellow artists. In an engaging style that ranges from the provocative to the personal, Sharon offers a 360-degree view of the art form, from the audience experience to the artist’s process; from its socially conscious potential to its economic reality; and from its practical to its emotional and spiritual dimensions. Surveying the role of opera in the United States and drawing on his experiences from Berlin to Los Angeles, Sharon lays out his vision for an “anti-elite opera” that celebrates the imagination and challenges the status quo. With an illustrated and unconventional history of the art form (not following a straight line but tracing a fantastical “time-curve”) weaving throughout the book, Sharon resists the notion of the opera as “dying” and instead portrays it as a glorious chaos constantly being reborn and reshaped.
Vincenzi, Fernando. 2019. Šostakovič compositore d’avanguardia. Napoli: Orthotes. [ML410 .S53 V56 2019]
"Šostakovič compositore d’avanguardia" è un saggio musicologico – ricchissimo di esempi e riferimenti inediti – ma anche una profonda riflessione sull’arte. Allontanandosi dal solito e connotato immaginario che vede nel compositore russo un vecchio amareggiato, piegato dagli orrori della storia, circondato da falci e martelli o dai soldati in marcia, Fernando Vincenzi restituisce alla figura di Šostakovič i suoi naturali tratti vitali: il profondo legame con la gioventù e con l’infanzia, la capacità di indagare ciò che si annida tra le pieghe della realtà, la temeraria sperimentazione. Quel che emerge dalla poetica e dall’etica di Šostakovič è un mondo enigmatico ma infinitamente affascinante, estraneo alla norma dell’omologazione, che abbraccia l’insondato.
Floyd, Jessica M. 2024. Cabin Boys, Milkmaids, and Rough Seas : Identity in the Unexpurgated Repertoire of Stan Hugill. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. [ML3780 .F56 2024X]
During his correspondence with erotic folklore collector Gershon Legman, famed chantey singer and collector Stan Hugill (1906-1992) shared unexpurgated versions of the songs in his repertoire. These bawdy songs were meant to be a part of Legman's larger project concerning erotic folksong. Upon Legman's death in 1999, the unfinished and unpublished manuscript sank into obscurity and was believed by many to be permanently lost. Thankfully this "holy grail" of chantey texts had been safe in the private collection of Legman's widow, Judith Legman, all along. Cabin Boys, Milkmaids, and Rough Seas: Identity in the Unexpurgated Repertoire of Stan Hugill is the first critical investigation of this repository, reproduced here for the first time. Training an interdisciplinary lens on twenty-four unexpurgated texts, author Jessica M. Floyd interrogates the articulation of gender, sexuality, and identity as it is expressed in these cultural artifacts of the sea. Opening with both a critical explication of the chantey genre, as well as situating Hugill's repertoire in the canon of folksong, the book introduces readers to the critical realities that attend this rich cultural tradition. Analytical chapters demonstrate the kaleidoscopic representation of gender and sexuality in this finite repertoire. Each inquiry is connected and overlapping, demonstrating an ebb and flow not unlike the waters on which the songs were sung. Words of warning, heteronormative economies, and queer undercurrents each collide to present an image of sailing life that is nuanced and complicated, provocative and evocative, transgressive and sometimes radical. The volume allows scholars to place a finger on the pulse of maritime life, feeling and experiencing one voice among the din of working-class song traditions.
De Barros, Paul. 2024. Shall We Play That One Together? : The Life and Art of Jazz Piano Legend Marian McPartland. Columbia, South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press. [ML417 .M47 D43 2024X]
The life of the unparalleled purveyor of the Great American Songbook, Marian McPartland, is celebrated in this engrossing biography. From Bobby Short to Esperanza Spalding, across the 33-year run of the acclaimed radio show, Piano Jazz, Marian McPartland conversed and played piano duets with jazz greats and, via National Public Radio syndication, brought the best of jazz standards to listeners. In his sympathetic and insightful biography, Paul de Barros considers McPartland's full life and shows her to have been a courageous compositional innovator as well as an immensely talented popularizer and educator. Her standing among the jazz artists and her advocacy for women jazz musicians made McPartland a natural to host the Piano Jazz show conceived of in 1978 and first broadcast on WLTR out of Columbia, South Carolina, in 1979. That show secured her reputation in the musical form, and allowed her to introduce American and then global audiences to a diverse array of musicians developing the Great American Songbook. McPartland's advocacy, her commitment to her musical craft, and her interpretative work are all explored by de Barros, a knowledgeable guide to 20th century jazz.
Descriptions for each item provided by the publisher and/or from the catalogue description.
Keep reading for the complete list of new scores, books, and eBooks, and CDs.
- M7 .C272 2023 — Intavolature d'organo tedesche di Berlino: SBPK - Mus. Ms. Lynar B. Vol. II Mus. Ms. Lynar B 2 - B 5 - B 6 / a cura di Armando Carideo.
- M7 .C327 2023 — Hymnes et séquence pour l'orgue : manuscrit de Berkeley / edited by Louis Castelain and Jean-Baptiste Robin.
- M7 .O6456 1994 — Te Deum laudamus : op. 28 : per organo e orchestra d'archi / Giovanni Sgambati ; a cura di Maurizio Machella.
- M11 .A529 E53 2024 — Eight easy voluntaries for the organ / John Alcock Jr. ; edited by Maurizio Machella.
- M21 .A584 1994 — Pièces d'orgue. Volume 1 / Claude Bénigne Balbastre ; édité par Maurizio Machella.
- M21 .A584 1994 — Pièces d'orgue. Volume 2 / Claude Bénigne Balbastre ; édité par Maurizio Machella.
- M21 .A584 1994 — Pièces d'orgue. Volume 3 / Claude Bénigne Balbastre ; édité par Maurizio Machella.
- M21 .A584 1994 — Duetto Es-Dur für zwei Claviere (oder Flügel oder Fortepiano) / Johann Gottfried Müthel ; herausgegeben von Giacomo Benedetti und Anna Clemente.
- M21 .A584 1994 — Sei sonatine per clavicembalo, op. VI / Ernst Eichner ; edizione a cura di Alberto Guerzoni
- M21 .A584 1994 — Sei sonate per clavicembalo / Giacomo Croce ; edizione a cura di Maurizio Machella.
- M21 .A584 1994 — Compositions pour clavecin ou (orgue) / Étienne Richard ; [édition] par Maurizio Machella.
- M21 .A584 1994 — Sonata in Do magg. : per fortepiano a sei mani / Giovanni Agostino Perotti.
- M22 .K1206 P5 2023 — Utwory zebrane na fortepian. Vol. 2 = Collected pieces for piano. Vol. 2 / Joachim Kaczkowski ; redakcja Katarzyna Drogosz, Geoffrey Govier.
- M23 .E914 no.1 2024 — Sonate pour le piano op. 7 (1965) / Bernt Kasberg Evensen.
- M23 .N382 S6 2023 — Sonatine voor piano / Vic Nees.
- M25 .A234 A259 2023 — Az ág = (The branch) : for solo piano (2022) / Thomas Adès.
- M25 .C2753 B3 2024 — Bagatelles : for piano / Maria Case ; edited by Brian McDonagh.
- M25 .C427 P37 2023 — Passagework : for piano / Christopher Cerrone.
- M25 .C46 op.10 2023 — Etudes, op. 10, piano = Klavier / Fryderyk Chopin ; edited by Roy Howat = herausgegeben von Roy Howat = édition de Roy Howat.
- M25 .K28 op.109 2023 — There is something behind that : (2003) : for piano = für Klavier = dli︠a︡ fortepiano : opus 109 / Nikolai Kapustin.
- M25 .K28 op.130 2023 — Countermove : (2006) : for piano = für Klavier = dli︠a︡ fortepiano : opus 130 / Nikolai Kapustin.
- M25 .K28 op.94 2023 — Ballad : (1999) : for piano = für Klavier = dli︠a︡ fortepiano : opus 94 / Nikolai Kapustin.
- M25 .K28 op.95 2023 — Scherzo (1999) for piano = für Klavier = dli︠a︡ fortepiano : opus 95 / Nikolai Kapustin.
- M25 .L429 F67 2023 — The forest, the strand, the sea... : for piano / Nicola Lefanu.
- M25 .T668 S4 2023 — Sessions, 3 A.M. : for piano / Michael Torke.
- M25 .V467 I57 2022 — Five intermezzi for solo piano : (2022) / Carl Vine.
- M32.8 .N68 S56 2023 — Slovakian suite : op. 32 : version for piano (1903) / Vitezslav Novak.
- M32.8 .P45 A74 2023 — Ariettes diverses / Jean-Baptiste Pergolèse ; arrangées pour le clavecin par Michel Corrette ; édition d'Olivier Baumont et Louis Castelain.
- M33.5 .A39 E98 2023 — Berceuse : from "The exterminating angel" : for solo piano : (2018) / Thomas Adès.
- M35 .R55 op.35 G5 2023 — Shekherazada : simfonicheskai͡a si͡uita po 1001 nochi : dli͡a orkestra : soch. 35 = Scheherazade : d'après "Mille et un nuits" : suite symphonique pour orchestre : op. 35 / N. Rimskiĭ-Korsakov' ; réduction pour piano à deux mains.
- M42 .A2712 V5 2023 — Violin for Carolin : for violin solo : (2021-22) / Hans Abrahamsen.
- M42 .C65 A95 2023 — A una voce lontana presto ascolto : per violino solo (2022) / Silvia Colasanti.
- M42 .K687 W38 2023 — Water and dust : solo violin : 2020 / Mary Kouyoumdjian.
- M42 .R271 S64 2023 — Spill for meg pappas hjerte så jeg kan høre det : for solo violin (2021) / Maja S. K. Ratkje.
- M42 .T45 R4 2023 — Reticence for solo violin / Kari Telstad Sundet.
- M47 .K68 H55 2023 — Hill and valley : for solo viola (2021) / Mary Kouyoumdjian.
- M52 .B788 C6 2023 — Congruence : solo violoncello / Courtney Bryan.
- M62 .H2674 P48 2016 — Petite rhapsody : for solo flute / Barbara Harbach.
- M67 .D28 F67 2023 — Forgotten game : for solo oboe : (2008) / Tansy Davies.
- M72 .B79 F36 2023 — Fanfare for moments of courage : solo clarinet in B♭ / Courtney Bryan.
- M77 .S3758 S3 2024 — Schreiten - Modes of locomotion #1 : für Fagott : (2023) / Wolfram Schurig.
- M87 .O34 L34 2023 — Lámed IV : für Trompete in C (2017) / Samir Odeh-Tamimi.
- M118 .S84 V6 2024 — 6 voluntaries for harp / John Stanley ; transcription by Simona Marchesi.
- M126 .B467 W6 2023 — Solo guitar works : hymn arrangements. Vol. 4 / Guy Bergeron.
- M126 .C38 G7 2023 — Grand recueil pour la guitare, Op. 114. Vol. 2 / Ferdinando Carulli ; edited and fingered by Romolo Calandruccio.
- M127 .B76 P6 2023 — Preludio de la nostalgia : para guitarra / Leo Brouwer.
- M127 .D54 E3 2023 — Echospace : for solo guitar : 1982 / Emma Lou Diemer ; edited by Peter Madlem.
- M146 .A43 F6 2023 — FOMO : solo percussion : 2023 / Kati Agócs.
- M204 .B877 op.5 2023 — "Concerto" (op. 5) : per pianoforte a quattro mani (Firenze 1947) / Sylvano Bussotti.
- M214 .A416 K5 2023 — Klavierminiaturen XI-XV : für Klavier (2 Spieler:Innen) = :for piano (two players) : (2023) / Irini Amargianaki.
- M221 .B56 N44 2023 — The neglected child : an introduction to Beethoven's Fourth Sonata for violin and piano / Judith Bingham.
- M226 .D461 S5 2023 — Small black stone : for viola and piano (2000) / Tansy Davies.
- M242 .F7228 K363 2023 — Kanto kechua no. 3 : (for flute and piano) / Gabriela Lena Frank.
- M242 .S73432 H5 2023 — Hidden music : for flute and piano : (2003) / Jostein Stalheim.
- M246 .P748 M6 2023 — Montfort : (for oboe and piano) / André Previn.
- M250 .A827 P56 2023 — Pink City bazaar : for bass clarinet and piano / Colleen Athparia.
- M250 .G6906 L9 2023 — Luimige fantasie : solo voor klarinet : (1934) / Rosa Granjé.
- M250 .T7 W5 2023 — Wingspan : (for clarinet and piano) / Joan Tower.
- M254 .D335 A7 2023 — At the zoo : for bassoon and piano : (2021) / Carsten Dahl ; edited by Jesper Kæv Gliemann.
- M257 .B88 C6 2023 — Corea 1950 - primo studio : (Castell'Arquato 29-30 settembre 1950) : per corno e pianoforte / Sylvano Bussotti.
- M257 .B88 C62 2023 — Corea 1950 - secondo studio : per corno e pianoforte (1950) / Sylvano Bussotti.
- M257 .T948 N7 2023 — Three nocturnes for French horn and piano / Dan Țurcanu.
- M263 .D291 F3 2023 — Fantasia IV : for bass trombone and piano / Kevin Day.
- M273 .S297 D8 2024 — Duet on Verdi's "Nabucco", op. 20 : for harp and piano / Alfonso Scotti ; edited by Anna Pasetti.
- M273 .S297 R5 2024 — Rimembranza sul "Trovatore" : for harp and piano / Filippo Scotti ; edited by Anna Pasetti.
- M287 .B789 A63 2023 — And what I mean is this : violin and viola duo / Courtney Bryan.
- M287 .H43 A54 2023 — Vier Anklänge : für zwei Violen : (2023) / David Philip Hefti.
- M287 .H896 D8 2023 — 13 fiolinduetter (hvorav kun 2 er tvilsomme) = 13 violin duets (of which only 2 are questionable) / Ketil Hvoslef.
- M287 .P428 T4 2023 — Through closed doors : for two violins : 2014 / Anna Pidgorna.
- M293 .Z24 D5 2024 — Divertissement sur des motifs de "Rigoletto" : for 2 harps / Antonio Zamara ; edited by Anna Pasetti.
- M297 .T443 S6 2023 — Spring verses : (galliards and pavanes) : for flute and guitar (2021) / Christopher Theofanidis.
- M298 .C47 E9 2023 — Exhalation : for 'cello and electronics, 2021 / Christopher Cerrone.
- M298 .F515 Q8 2024 — Quabara : for didgeridoo & percussion : (1987-88) / Michael Finnissy.
- M298 .K666 P47 2023 — Perpetuum mobile : for violin and marimba / Anders Koppel.
- M312 .C318 P4 2023 — Physichromies : (piano trio no. 1) / Philip Cashian.
- M312 .O6755 M6 2023 — Mold : piano trio (2018) / Sigurd Fischer Olsen.
- M312.4 .G356 T705 2023 — Trio sonata in A major, (S-Uu GIMO 124, IBG 164), for 2 violins & basso continuo / Baldassare Galuppi ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M317 .C595 op.10 2023 — Grand trio no. 3 : op. 10 : for 2 flutes and piano / John Clinton.
- M317 .Q3 QV 2:14 2023 — Trio sonata in E minor (QV 2:Anh. 14) for 2 transverse flutes or transverse flute, violin & basso continuo / Johann Joachim Quantz ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M322 .B963 S7 2023 — Cinque studi pour les Recontres Internationales d'Aix-en-Provence, Luglio 1955, per violino, oboe e pianoforte / Sylvano Bussotti.
- M322 .B99 W3 2023 — A walk to Brahms : for horn trio : (2019) / Britta Byström.
- M322 .L36 L35 2023 — Land : French horn, cello and piano / Libby Larsen.
- M322 .P26 K6 2023 — Koan : for violin, horn and piano (2022) / Hilda Paredes.
- M351 .F852 op. 2 no. 1 2023 — Trio sonata in A major (op. 2, nr. 1) for 2 violins & violoncello / Ignaz Fränzl ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M357.2 .F8 T74 2023 — 6 Trios für 2 Klarinetten in B und Fagott. Band II, Trio 4-6 / Georg Friedrich Fuchs.
- M357.2 .F8 T74 2023 — 6 Trios für zwei Klarinetten in B und Fagott. Band I, Trio 1-3 / Georg Friedrich Fuchs.
- M357.2 .G364 T77 2023 — Triosätze für zwei Oboen und Fagott, GeWV 334 / Harald Genzmer.
- M357.2 .H2607 B5 2024 — Bläsertrio Ausblick : für Altflöte, Englischhorn und Bassklarinette : (2023) / Peter Michael Hamel.
- M357.4 .H25 T7 2023 — 12 Trios für 3 Hörner / Joseph Anton Hanmüller.
- M382 .T424 V3 2023 — Vaghe stelle dell'orsa : (una poesia musicale per la mamma di Nicolò) : for flute, viola and guitar : (2021) / Christopher Theofanidis.
- M385 .C53 Y3 2023 — YangKo : for solo viola and 2 percussionists / Chen Yi.
- M412 .W528 L3 2023 — Landschappen IX / Wilfried Westerlinck.
- M422 .F37 FWV N:D1 2023 — Sonata in D major (FaWV N:D1) for transverse flute, violin, bassoon & basso continuo / Johann Fr. Fasch ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M422 .T3 C622 2024 — Concerto G-Dur für Altblockflöte, Oboe, Violine und Basso continuo, TWV 43:G6 / Georg Philipp Telemann ; herausgegeben und mit einer Generalbassaussetzung von Klaus Hofmann (Herbipol.).
- M427 .A55 W4 2024 — What things become : for 2 electric guitars and 2 grand pianos : (2022) / Anna Thorvaldsdóttir.
- M447 .L36 B54 2023 — Bleached : saxophone (alto and tenor), guitar, percussion and piano / Libby Larsen.
- M452 .B447 no.3 2023 — Streichquartett Nr. 3 = String quartet no. 3 / Béla Bartók ; herausgegeben von = edited by László Somfai unter Mitarbeit von = in collaboration with Zsombor Németh.
- M452 .D15 Q36 2023 — Quartetto no. 6 per archi (2011-12) / Michele dall'Ongaro.
- M452 .F212 Q8 2023 — Quartetto in la minore = String quartet in A minor / Guido Alberto Fano , a cura di/edited by Vitale Fano.
- M452 .F697 no.31 2023 — Streichquartett Nr. 31, D-Dur (1805), für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello / Emanuel Aloys Förster ; Herausgeber: Christian Starke.
- M452 .H134 D4 2023 — Deep river : rhapsody for string quartet / Adolphus Hailstork.
- M452 .H989 no.5 2024 — Quartetto per archi, nr. V (2021) / Ketil Hvoslef.
- M452 .M36 no.5 2023 — Quatuor à cordes no. 5 / Bruno Mantovani.
- M452 .M528 op.1 2023 — Streichquartett A-Dur op. 1 für 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncello = for 2 violins, viola and violoncello / Laurent Menager.
- M452 .M7 S6 2023 — Sonata à quadro in C major, (MWV 4.2), for strings & basso continuo / Johann Melchior Molter ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M452 .T155 F4 2023 — Feng ya song : (string quartet no. 1) / Tan Dun.
- M452 .V886 op.1 no.1 2024 — Quartett F-Dur für Fagott, Violine, Viola und Violoncello, Opus 1,1 = Quartet in F major for bassoon, violin, viola and violoncello = Quatuor en fa majeur pour basson, violon, alto et violoncelle / Johann Christoph Vogel ; herausgegeben von Hans-Peter Vogel.
- M457.2 .D29 C66 2023 — Converging spectrums : for saxophone quartet (2018) / Kevin Day.
- M462 .C33 T.145-150 2023 — Sei quartetti concertanti : per flauto, violino, viola e violoncello / Giuseppe Maria Cambini.
- M462 .G72 no.1 2023 — Six flute quartets (nr. 1), for flute, violin, viola & violoncello / Friedrich Hartmann Graf ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M462 .S36 op.43 2024 — Quartett F-Dur für Fagott, Violine, Viola und Violoncello, Opus 43 = Quartet in F major for bassoon, violin, viola and violoncello = Quatuor en fa majeur pour basson, violon, alto et violoncelle / Georg Abraham Schneider ; herausgegeben von Jean-Christophe Dassonville.
- M512 .B86 no.1 2023b — Piano quintet No. 1 : 2022 / Tobias Broström.
- M512.4 .S68 op.87 2023 — Kwintet na fortepian, skrzypce, altówkę, wiolonczelę i kontrabas = Quintet for piano, violin, viola, cello and double bass : op. 87 / Wojciech Sowiński ; redakcja Anna Prabucka-Firlej, Adam Bruderek & Krzysztof Sperski.
- M522 .T65 L66 2023 — Looking back : flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano / Joan Tower.
- M552 .M504 P3 2023 — Paraphrase pour cordes : op. 45 : sur la mélodie "Kuck Friêmen op d'Kârt" : für 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncello und Kontrabass = for 2 violins, viola, violoncello and double bass / Laurent Menager.
- M552 .T65 P8 2023 — Purple rain : (for string quintet) / Joan Tower.
- M557 .G898 op.17 no.23 2023 — Fantasy for woodwind quintet, op. 17, Nr. 23 / Jean François de Guise.
- M557 .H288 A97 2023 — Ausblick : Serenade für Bläserquintett in sieben Teilen (2021) / Peter Michael Hamel.
- M557 .R43 op.91 no.3 2024 — Bläserquintett D-Dur, Opus 91,3 = Wind quintet in D major = Quintette à vent en re majeur / Anton Reicha ; herausgegeben von Bodo Koenigsbeck.
- M557.2 .G48I8 I82 2023 — I said what I said : for woodwind quintet / Damien Geter.
- M562 .M245 A43 2023b — Alariana : for recorder or flute, clarinet, bassoon, violin and cello, 1985 / Ursula Mamlok.
- M582 .W48 L364 2024 — Landschappen IV : voor fluit, harp en strijktrio / Wilfried Westerlinck.
- M617 .E34 D36 2023 — Damnation du pouls : für Posaune, Klavier und Saxophonquartett = for trombone, piano and saxophone quartet : (1991) / Dietrich Eichmann.
- M622 .C405 M34 2023 — "Meine Seele wartet..." after listening to Bach, 2020 : für Querflöte, Klarinette, Klavier und Streichtrio = for flute, clarinet, piano and string trio / Diana Čemerytė.
- M647 .H645 C5 2023 — The clarity of cold air : for flute, clarinet, percussion, piano, violin, and cello / Jonathan Bailey Holland.
- M657 .C38 P3 2023 — Parthia Nr. 1 (Es-Dur) für 2 Klarinetten, 2 Hörner und 2 Fagotte / Anton Cartellieri ; Hrsgb., Hanno Fendt.
- M762 .M72 P76 2023 — Procession : for clarinet, horn, bassoon, violin, viola, cello and double bass / Marjan Mozetich.
- M847 .N46 O7 2023 — Orpheus falling : für 8 Musiker, 2014 / Sarah Nemtsov.
- M857.4 .E93 C5 2023 — Clarion calls : for two solo trumpets and six-part trumpet choir / Eric Ewazen.
- M862 .E25 E44 2023 — Elegie, E. 71 : for solo violin and chaber [chamber] ensemble / Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté ; edited by Brian McDonagh.
- M885 .L63 C2 2023 — Can you see? : for chamber ensemble / Allison Loggins-Hull.
- M962 .E28 E.151 2023b — Nonet : for flute, oboe, B flat clarinet, F horn, bassoon, violin, viola, violoncello, and double bass, E. 151 / Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté ; edited by Brian McDonagh.
- M1001 .B34 No.2 2024 — Second symphony in E minor and C, for orchestra / by Arnold Bax.
- M1001 .B467 op.20 2023 — Sommerklänge aus Süd-Russland : 2te Sinfonie, op. 20 / von Victor Bendix.
- M1001 .B962 op.39 2024 — Symphonie in e-moll op. 39 / Adolf Busch.
- M1001 .C44 op.58 2024 — Manfred : symphonie en quatre tableaux d'après le poème dramatique de Byron / Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
- M1001 .F57 no.1 2023 — Symphony no. 1 for orchestra : facsimile of the composer's manuscript / Jerzy Fitelberg.
- M1001 .K65 op. 34 2023 — Symphonie f Moll für grosses Orchester, op. 34 / von August Klughardt.
- M1001 .K7652 op.132 2023 — The seven stars symphony : op. 132, (1933, revised 1944) / Charles Koechlin.
- M1001 .M597 op.10 2024 — Simfonietta, soch. 10 : 1910-1943.
- M1001 .N588 no.2 2023 — Sinfonie no. 2 in D major / Otto Nicolai.
- M1001 .P05 op.24 2023 — Symphonie h-moll, op. 24 : "Polonia" / Ignacy Jan Paderewski.
- M1001 .S34 no.1 2023 — Symphony no. 1 / Artur Schnabel.
- M1001 .S3625 op.60 2023 — Symphonie für grosses Orchester B dur, Opus 60 / componirt von Bernhard Scholz.
- M1001 .S594 op.121 2023 — Symphonie F Dur für grosses Orchester, Opus 121 / von Christian Sinding.
- M1001 .S91 D min. 2024 — Symphonie d-Moll, für grosses Orchester = Symphony in D minor, for large orchestra : AV 69/TrV 94 / Richard Strauss.
- M1002 .G53 op.13 2023 — Stenka Razine : poème symphonique pour grand orchestre : op. 13 / composé par Alexandre Glazounow.
- M1002 .G622 S2 2024 — Samson : tone-poem for orchestra / by Rubin Goldmark.
- M1002 .K774 op.159 2023 — La méditation de Purun Baghat : op. 159 / Charles Koechlin.
- M1003 .B82 op.27 2023 — Oberon : Romancero für kleines Orchester : op. 27 / von Jan Brandts-Buys.
- M1003 .B88 op.36 2023 — Serenade, E-Dur, für grosses Orchester : op. 36 / von Ignaz Brüll.
- M1003 .B96 op.19 2024 — Variationen und Fuge für kleines Orchester über ein Thema von W. A. Mozart : op. 19 / von Adolf Busch.
- M1003 .B96 op.41 2023 — Variationen über ein Thema von W. A. Mozart : für Orchester : op. 41 / Adolf Busch.
- M1003 .C465 C2 2024 — Callirhoë : suite d'orchestre / Cécile Chaminade.
- M1003 .K276 A42 2024 — Aladdin : a Chinese suite for orchestra, opus 10 / by Edgar Stillman Kelley.
- M1003 .L21 H6 2023 — Horoscope : orchestral suite from the ballet / by Constant Lambert.
- M1003 .M12 S8 2023 — Suite dramatique : (Coriolanus) : pour orchestre / by Alex. C. Mackenzie.
- M1003 .M3714 K3 2023 — Kakémonos : 4 pièces japonaises : pour orchestre / by A. Mariotte.
- M1003 .P89 op. 123 2024 — Letni︠a︡i︠a︡ nochʹ : si︠u︡ita iz opery "Obruchenie v monastyre" ("Duėnʹi︠a︡") : dli︠a︡ bolʹshogo simfonicheskogo orkestra = Summer night : suite from the opera "Betrothal in a nunnery" ("The Duenna") : for full symphony orchestra / Sergeĭ Prokofʹev.
- M1003 .R2 B6 2023 — Les Boréades : Symphonies : extraites de la partition d'orchestre / Jean-Philippe Rameau ; édition de Sylvie Bouissou.
- M1003 .R94164 op.119 2024 — Suite pour orchestre, op. 119 / composée par Ant. Rubinstein.
- M1003 .S152 op.49 2023 — Suite for orchestra in D, op. 49 / Camille Saint-Saens.
- M1003 .T34 TWV 55:e9 2023 — Overture in E minor, TWV 55: e9 : 2 oboes, bassoon, strings, continuo / Telemann ; edited by Hans Heinrich Kriegel & Brian Clark.
- M1004 .B142 U22 2024 — The periodical overture in 8 parts. No. 1, Gli uccellatori / Johann Christian Bach.
- M1004 .B73 M2 2023 — Ma tante Aurore : ouverture / Boieldieu ; texte original revu par Antonio de Almeida.
- M1004 .E75 F5 2023 — Ünnepi nyitány = Festliche Ouvertüre = Festive overture / Erkel Ferenc.
- M1004 .F232 O98 2023 — Ouverture a grande orchestra = for symphonic orchestra / Guido Alberto Fano ; a cura di Vitale Fano.
- M1004 .S647 N38 2023 — Two pieces from The wreckers / Ethel Mary Smyth.
- M1004 .W43 op.32 2023 — Komödienouvertüre : für Orchester : op. 32 / Karl Weigl.
- M1005 .R86 C6 2023 — Concerto per organo e orchestra di fiati / Giuseppe Russolo ; a cura di Tommaso Dionis.
- M1010 .B775 R4 2023 — Rhapsody in red, white and blue : for piano and orchestra / Peter Boyer.
- M1010 .C52 op.22 2024 — Andante und Polonaise, Op. 22 / Chopin ; instrumentiert von Xaver Scharwenka.
- M1010 .D35 F3 2023 — Fantaisie pour piano et orchestre / Claude Debussy.
- M1010 .E28 no.2 2023 — Piano concerto II, E. 117 / Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté ; edited by Brian McDonagh.
- M1010 .P33 op.33 2023 — Der Fluss = Floden : Klavierkonzert Nr. 2, op. 33 / Selim Palmgren.
- M1010 .S22 op.89 2024 — Africa : Fantasy for piano and orchestra, op. 89 / Camille Saint-Saens.
- M1010 .S333 P5 2023 — Phantasiestück : für Clavier mit Begleitung des Orchesters / von Franz Schmidt.
- M1012 .E23 E.71 2023 — Elegie for solo violin and chaber ensemble, E.71 / Sophie Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatté ; edited by Brian McDonagh.
- M1012 .H7832 op. 22 2024 — Konsert for violin og orkester, op. 22 / Iver Holter.
- M1012 .W64 op.14 2023 — First violin concerto in F-sharp minor, op. 14 / Henryk Wieniawski.
- M1018 .T15 C6 2023 — Contrabass concerto : Wolf totem / Tan Dun.
- M1020 .K39 A95 2023 — Aulos : for solo flute, two horns, percussion and strings / Ulysses Kay.
- M1020 .R55 BI. 512 2023 — Concerto per flauto (o violino) e orchestra BI 512 / Alessandro Rolla ; edizione critica a cura di Angela Buompastore
- M1020 .S13 A5 2023 — Aile du songe : concerto for flute and chamber orchestra (2022) / Kaija Saariaho.
- M1024 .U45 K6 2023 — Konzertante Symphonie : für Klarinette und Orchester / Alfred Uhl.
- M1028 .K95 op.45 2023 — Concertino pour deux cors avec accompagnement de grand orchestre / par Fréderic Kuhlau.
- M1030 .F86 C6 2023 — Trumpet concerto : for trumpet and chamber orchestra : (2019) / Vivian Fung.
- M1031 .F85 C66 2023 — Trumpet concerto : for trumpet and chamber orchestra / Vivian Fung.
- M1031 .K52 V65 2023 — A voice, a messenger : (2010-2012) : a concerto for trumpet (also playing flugelhorn and piccolo trumpet) with an orchestra of winds, brass, percussion, double basses, harp and piano / Aaron Jay Kernis.
- M1040 .T645 C6 2023 — Concerto per un quartetto d'archi solista ed orchestra / di Vincenzo Tommasini.
- M1045 .C536 F3 2023 — Fantaisie symphonique : pour grand orchestre : op. 10 / par Camille Chevillard.
- M1045 .D609 S8 2023 — Suite de thomyris : pour orchestre / Francois Dieupart ; edited by Michel Quagliozzi.
- M1045 .G6556 S44 2023 — A celestial settlement : symphonic fresco : (2022) = Selenie nebesnoe : simfonicheskai͡a freska : (2022) / Andreĭ Golovin.
- M1045 .H189 T64 2023 — Tokyo nocturne / Hideaki Haginomori = Tōkyō yasōkyoku / Haginomori Hideaki.
- M1045 .M15 C6 2024 — The confession of Isobel Gowdie : for orchestra / James MacMillan.
- M1045 .S905 op.63 2024 — Symphonisches Fragment aus Josephs-Legende : AV 148/TrV 231a / Richard Strauss.
- M1045 .S905 op.84 2023 — Festmusik zur Feier des 2600jährigen Bestehens des Kaiserreichs Japan : für grosses Orchester = Festive music in celebration of the 2600th anniversary of the Japanese empire : for large orchestra : op. 84.
- M1060 .B22 S. 1001-1006 2024 — Ciaccona / J. S. Bach ; interpretazione orchestrale di Alfredo Casella.
- M1060 .B22 S.1001-1006 2024 — Chaconne from Partita no. 2 in D minor for solo violin, BMV 1004 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; orchestrated by Joachim Raff.
- M1060 .B22 S.525 2023 — Sonata per orchestra in mi bemolle maggiore : [after] Orgel-Sonate Es-Dur BWV 525 / Johann Sebastian Bach ; orchestriert von Hermann Hans Wetzler.
- M1060 .B94 V3 2023 — Variationen über ein Thema von Franz Schubert : für kleines Orchester : op. 2, Februar 1910 / Adolf Busch.
- M1060 .D96 B.179 2024 — "American" sinfonietta in F : from string quartet no. 12, op. 96 / Antonin Dvorak ; arr. Phillip Brookes.
- M1060 .E54 S42 2023 — "Shed" symphony no. 3 in G / Edward Elgar ; arranged for orchestra from Shed 6 for wind quintet and Shed 7 for mixed sextet by Phillip Brookes.
- M1060 .K82 H4 2024 — Les heures persanes : seize pièces : op. 65 bis / Charles Koechlin.
- M1060 .S4 M3 2023 — Three marches for four-handed piano / Franz Schubert ; orchestrated by Franz Liszt.
- M1060 .S598 A4 2023 — Amen! : for orchestra (2017) / Carlos Simon.
- M1103 .N433 S4 2023 — Serenade voor strijkorkest / Vic Nees.
- M1103 .W748 G maj. 2024 — Suite pour instruments à cordes / par Chr. Wilson.
- M1110 .P59 I 51 2024 — Concerto in mi bemolle maggiore per clavicembalo e archi, IP 51 / G.B. Platti ; edizione a cura di Leonardo Mezzalira.
- M1112 .T27 D.77 2023 — Violin concerto in C major, (Dout. 77), for violin, strings & basso continuo / Giuseppe Tartini ; edited by Alejandro Garri.
- M1116 .M66 F.39 2023 — Cello-Konzert g-Moll / Matthias G. Monn ; herausgegeben von Arnold Schoenberg.
- M1140 .H3 2023 — Harmonies du soir : poème pour quatuor & orchestre de cordes, op. 31 ; Brabanconne : pour orchestre / Eugene Ysaÿe.
- M1142 .T655 C6 2023 — Concerto per orchestra d'archi / Vincenzo Tommasini.
- M1245 .N57 W5 2023 — Wilderness : for concert band : 2021 / Cait Nishimura.
- M1495 .C77 1986 — Responsori per i mattutini della Settimana Santa / Francescantonio Vallotti OFM Conv. ; introduzione e trascrizione di Roberto Frigato.
- M1495 .C77 1986 — Si quaeris miracula : sette composizioni a 4 e 8 voci con strumenti / Francescantonio Vallotti OFM Conv ; introduzione e trascrizione di Roberto Frigato.
- M1495 .C77 1986 — Antifone Mariane (III) : undici composizioni a voce sola, coro a 8 voci e strumenti / Francescantonio Vallotti OFM Conv ; introduzione e trascrizione di Roberto Frigato.
- M1495 .C77 1986 — Mottetti : con oboe obbligato, con tromba obbligata a voce sola / Francescantonio Vallotti OFM Conv ; introduzione e trascrizione di Roberto Frigato.
- M1495 .C77 1986 — Il cantico di frate sole : a due voci e organo : (1926) / Antonio Matera OFM Conv. ; introduzione di Francesco Costa.
- M1495 .C77 1986 — Antifone Mariane (II) : dieci composizioni a voce sola, coro a 8 voci e strumenti / Francescantonio Vallotti OFM Conv ; introduzione e trascrizione di Roberto Frigato.
- M1495 .C77 1986 — Il trionfo della morte per il peccato d'Adamo : oratorio / Bonaventura Aliotti OFM Conv. ; a cura di Nicoletta Billio D'Arpa e Giuseppe Collisani.
- M1495 .M89 2024 — Music for choir and cello / edited by Becky McGlade.
- M1500 .C42 B7 2023 — Briséïs ou Les amants de Corinthe / Emmanuel Chabrier.
- M1500 .C52 M3 2023 — Médée : opéra en III actes / paroles d'Hoffmann ; musique de Cherubini
- M1500 .G74 D4 2023 — Les deux avares : Comedie en deux actes en prose / les paroles sont de Mr. Fenouillot de Falbaire ; la musique est de Mr. Grétry.
- M1500 .M395 I7 2024 — Iris : opera in three acts / Pietro Mascagni.
- M1500 .R92 M3 2024 — Die Maccabäer : Oper in drei Akten / Anton Rubinstein.
- M1500 .T35 V6 2023 from:1 until:3 — The Voyevoda / Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
- M1500 .U47 B47 2023 — Die Bergknappen : Originalsingspiel in einem Aufzug / Ignaz Umlauf ; Dichtung von Paul Weidmann ; bearbeitet von Robert Haas
- M1500 .W43 P76 2024 — Der Protagonist : op. 15 (1925) : Ein Akt Oper von Georg Kaiser / Kurt Weill ; nach dem Text der Kurt Weill Edition herausgegeben von Gunther Diehl und Jürgen Selk.
- M1503 .H317 B66 2023 — Booth! : an American musical / music by Barbara Harbach ; lyrics by Jonathan Yordy.
- M1507 .G58 O6 2023 — Airs d'opéra français--dessus / Christoph Willibald Gluck ; édition de Benoît Dratwicki.
- M1510 .B47 R8 2023 — Die Ruinen von Athen : Fest- und Nachspiel von A. von Kotzebue : op. 113 / Ludwig van Beethoven.
- M1510 .S88 M4 2023 — Mascarade du Marchand de Venise : suite de pièces pour orchestre avec solo pour tenor ad lib. / par Arthur Sullivan.
- M1510 .V72 R5 2023 — Musik zu Shakespeare's Richard III / componirt von R. Volkmann.
- M1520 .H75 G6 2023 — The golden goose : a choral ballet founded on a tale of Grimm : op. 45, no. 1 / written and designed by Jane M. Joseph ; composed by Gustav Holst.
- M1520 .N68 op.59 2023 — Nikotina : baletní pantomima o sedmi obrazech dle povídky Svatopluka Čecha = Ballettpantomime in sieben Bildern nach einer Erzählung von Svatopluk Cech : op. 59 / Vítězslav Novák.
- M1525 .S74 R37 2023 — La retour du Zephyr : a favourite ballet arranged for pianoforte, violin and tambourine / Daniel Steibelt ; edited by Sam Girling.
- M1529.3 .D39 L8 2023 — Lullaby from "Cave" : for mezzo-soprano, tenor and piano : (2019) / Tansy Davies ; text by Nick Drake.
- M1529.5 .B87 A9 2023 — Autunno : poema piccolo per quattro voci : (1950-'53 Roma, Firenze) / Sylvano Bussotti.
- M1530 .B7626 P68 2023 — Pour les funérailles d'un soldat / A. de Musset ; Lili Boulanger.
- M1530 .E38 S3 2023 — Scenes from the saga of King Olaf : (op. 30) / by H. W. Longfellow and H. A. Acworth, C.I.E ; set to music for soprano, tenor and bass soli, chorus, and orchestra by Edward Elgar.
- M1530 .G12 E4 2023 — Elverskud = The Erl-King's daughter : op. 30 / Niels W. Gade.
- M1530 .H75 O3 2023 — Ode to death / Gustav Holst.
- M1531 .S746 B53 2023 — Blade springer : for kor (12 stemmer) og strygekvartet : (2023) / Bent Sørensen ; tekst: Juliane Preisler.
- M1533 .B427 B4 2023 — Beowulf : for solo tenor, narrator, SATB choir and orchestra : (2022) / Iain Bell.
- M1538 .K2 S5 2023 — Der Steiger : für Männerchor, Alt-Solo, Fernchor und grosses Orchester / Wilhelm Ludwig Hugo Kaun.
- M1538 .S82 A7 2023 — Austria : österreichisches Lied von Anton Wildgans für grosses Orchester mit Männerchor = Austrian song by Anton Wildgans for large orchestra with men's chorus : op. 78 / Richard Strauss.
- M1613.3 .A337 L5 2023 — Life story : for voice, 2 bass clarinets and double bass (1993) / music by Thomas Adès ; text by Tennessee Williams.
- M1613.3 .L644 H2 2023 — Have and hold : for singing flutist and electronics / Allison Loggins-Hull.
- M1617 .B87 op. 11b 2023 — Fünf Lieder für hohe Stimme und kleines Orchester, op. 11b (Sommer 1920) / Adolf Busch.
- M1617 .S108 P7 2023 — Prospero's vision : for tenor and string quartet / Kaija Saariaho.
- M1620 .C285 S6 2024 — Ballata (Messer Agnolo Ambrogini, detto il Poliziano) ; Sera (Dante, Purgatorio, Canto VIIII) : per canto e pianoforte = for voice and piano / Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
- M1620 .M597 S6 2023 — Lost and forgotten vocal pieces for one or more voices. Vol. 2, Six Italian ariette / Giacomo Meyerbeer ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Faiman, David Faiman, Robert Ignatius Letellier.
- M1620 .M597 S64 2023 — Lost and forgotten vocal pieces for one or more voices. Volume 4, Thirteen German Lieder / Giacomo Meyerbeer ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Faiman, David Faiman, Robert Ignatius Letellier.
- M1620 .M597 S64 2023 — Lost and forgotten vocal pieces for one or more voices. Vol. 3, Eight French mélodies and one English song / Giacomo Meyerbeer ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Faiman, David Faiman, Robert Ignatius Letellier.
- M1620 .M597 S64 2023 — Lost and forgotten vocal pieces for one or more voices. Vol. 1, Eleven Italian canzonette / Giacomo Meyerbeer ; compiled and edited by Jonathan Faiman, David Faiman, Robert Ignatius Letellier.
- M1621 .C878 B7 2023 — A Breakfast for barbarians : for voice and piano (2016) Ian Cusson.
- M1621 .S18 S65 2023b — 35 mélodies = 35 songs / Camille Saint-Saëns ; introduction de Edmond Lemaître = introduction by Edmond Lemaître.
- M1621.2 .F747 C46 2023 — La ley de la muerte = (The law of death) : from La centinela y la paloma : for soprano solo / Gabriela Lena Frank ; original texts by Nilo Cruz.
- M1621.3 .G354 T74 2023 — Tres = (Three) : for soprano voice, B♭ clarinet and piano / Orlando Jacinto Garcia.
- M1623 .A403 E98 2023 — Habanera : from "The exterminating angel" : for solo guitar : (2015-16 / 2021) / Thomas Adès.
- M1624.8 .G365 M4 2023 — Meditation for the inner Storm : for medium voice and sustained pitch / Stacy Garrop.
- M1625 .G28 E64 2023 — Epitafio encendido : (2004) / Celso Garrido-Lecca.
- M1625 .N46 S4 2023 — Seven thoughts : for sampler keyboard with voice, 2018 / Sarah Nemtsov.
- M1679.18 .C69434 P4 2023 — Impossible à aimer / Béatrice Martin.
- M1750 .P54 S56 2024 — La raccolta originale dei canti popolari piemontesi : Musiche e testi / Leone Sinigaglia ; con apparati critico-bibliografici di Roberto Leydi e in collaborazione con Lidia Benone Giacoletto.
- M1999 .F7 2023 — The form and order of the service and the music performed at the coronation of their majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla in the Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster on Saturday, the 6th day of May, 2023.
- M2000 .L64 Z4 2023 — Die Zerstörung von Jerusalem, op. 30 : grosses oratorium in 2 abtheilungen / Carl Loewe.
- M2000 .W69 T6 2023 — Totentanz : ein Mysterium für Solostimmen, Chor und Orchester : op. 51 / von Felix Woyrsch.
- M2003 .C28 J5 2023 — Historia di Jephte : Oratorium = oratorio : soli e coro SSSATB, basso continuo / Giacomo Carissimi ; herausgegeben von Wolfgang Hochstein = edited by Wolfgang Hochstein ; Generalbassaussetzung, Wolfgang Hochstein = basso continuo realization, Wolfgang Hochstein.
- M2010 .F445 M5 2023 — Misa a 5 : Archivo Musical de Chiquitos (Bolivia), Biblioteca Real de Bélgica / Francesco Feo ; edición Piotr Nawrot.
- M2010 .H63 M5 2023 — Missa Sancti Erasmi (Badley D4a) / Leopold Hofmann ; edited by Allan Badley.
- M2010 .P277 M5 2024 — Misa de batalla "Escoutez" a 12 de dos coros / Carlos Patiño ; edición crítica: Raúl Angulo Díaz.
- M2010 .T67 O5 2023 — Misa a 5 : "Omnis spiritus laudet Dominum" : (1725) / José de Torres.
- M2011 .M15 E25 2024 — Mass of St Edward the Confessor : SSAATTBB a cappella / James MacMillan.
- M2011 .V75 T9 2023 — Two masses for male choir a cappella / Robert Volkmann.
- M2013 .D867 M56 2023 — Misa a 7 / Sebastián Durón ; edición crítica, Raúl Angulo Díaz.
- M2020 .G543 D6 2023 — Domine, deus meus, in te speravi / Jean Gilles ; édition de Louis Castelain.
- M2020 .H73 C57 2023 — Christmas day : choral fantasy on old carols / Gustav Holst.
- M2021 .B5284 S25 2024 — Salve, regina : SATB, violin, 4 viole, organo / Bertali.
- M2021 .F28 op.11 2023 — Cantique de Jean Racine : op. 11 / Gabriel Fauré ; adattamento per coro a 4 voci (SATB), archi e organo di Gianmaria Fantato Pontini
- M2023 .H23 C67 2023 — Zadok the priest : Coronation anthem HWV 258 : coro (SSAATBB), 2 oboi, 2 fagotti, 3 trombe, timpani, 3 violini, viola, violoncello, contrabbasso, organo / George Frideric Handel ; herausgegeben von Alon Schab = edited by Alon Schab.
- M2023 .H23 K56 2023 — The King shall rejoice : Coronation anthem HWV 260 : coro (SAATBB), 2 oboi, 3 trombe, timpani, 3 (2) violini, viola, basso continuo (violoncello, contrabbasso, fagotto, organo) / George Frideric Handel ; herausgegeben von Alon Schab = edited by Alon Schab.
- M2062 .L47 D9 2023 — Dziela zebrane = Collected works / Wladyslaw Leszczynski OSPPE ; opracowanie i wstep = edited and prefaced by Maciej Jochymczyk.
- M2065 .C168 2023 — Cantiones natalitiae : kerstmuziek uit de zeventiende eeuw : Phalesius' tweede verzamelbundel Cantiones natalitiae (1651) opnieuw samengesteld = Seventeenth-century Christmas music : Phalesius' second collection of Cantiones natalitiae (1651) reassembled.
- M2082 .P48 C27 2023 — Cantiones sacrae : octonis vocibus / Peter Philips.
- M2092 .N37 D5 2023 — Di luci e tenebre : tra il sacro e il profano : due composizioni per coro a cappella. Laudato sie, mi' signore (Dal cantico delle creature) per S.S.A.A.T.T.B. La sera (Berceuse) per flauto e S.A.T.Br.B. / Daniela Nasti.
- M2103.3 .W545 op.50 2024 — Ave Maria : pour soprano, violon solo, violoncelle solo, orgue, [et] harpe ou quatuor à cordes : op. 50 / composé par Arthur Wilford.
- M2129 .A87 B57 2023 — The Brick church hymnal. Volume 4 : a collection of hymns, anthems, sacred songs and preludes / Christian Asplund ; art by Brian Kubarycz.
- ML60 .A276 2024Y — Orpheus in the underworld : essays on music and its mediation / Theodor W. Adorno ; translated by Douglas Robertson.
- ML65 .H57 2024X — Taking funny music seriously / Lily E. Hirsch.
- ML74.3 .R48 2024Y — Synthesizers and subtractive synthesis. 1, Theory and overview / Jean-Michel Réveillac.
- ML83 .C87 2024X — Before we teach music : the resonant legacies of childhoods and children / Lori A. Custodero.
- ML395 .K37 2024X — 3 shades of blue : Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, and the lost empire of cool / James Kaplan.
- ML395 .T94 2024Y — The jazzmen : how Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, and Count Basie transformed America / Larry Tye.
- ML410 .B853 L35 2024X — Britten's Gods : Purcell, Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Verdi, Mahler / Sterling Lambert.
- ML410 .D276 B76 2024X — William L. Dawson / Gwynne Kuhner Brown.
- ML410 .G9134 G74 2024X — The pastoral in Charles Griffes's music : aesthetic of ambivalence / Taylor A. Greer.
- ML410 .M82 W35 2024X — Jelly Roll blues : censored songs & hidden histories / Elijah Wald.
- ML410 .R854 A3 2024X — The world got away : a memoir / Mikel Rouse ; foreword by Kyle Gann.
- ML410 .S99 P469 2023 — Zakopianskim szlakiem Karola Szymanowskiego / Maciej Pinkwart.
- ML417 .H2464 S94 2024X — Deeper blues : the life, songs, and salvation of Cornbread Harris / Andrea Swensson ; afterword by Jimmy Jam.
- ML420 .F2 J66 2024Y — Nightfly : the life of Steely Dan's Donald Fagen / Peter Jones.
- ML420 .G393 A3 2024X — Rise of a Killah / Ghostface Killah.
- ML420 .H358 S36 2024Y — Hazzan Mordecai Gustav Heiser : an artist, his art, and the cantor tradition in America / Gilya Gerda Schmidt.
- ML420 .M617 C66 2024X — Helen Morgan : the original torch singer and Ziegfeld's last star / Christopher S. Connelly.
- ML420 .P974 T46 2023Y — Prince : the man and his music / Matt Thorne.
- ML421 .B4 C679 2024X — Let me take you down : Penny Lane and Strawberry fields forever / Jonathan Cott.
- ML421 .B4 M36 2024Y — Shake it up, baby! : the rise of Beatlemania and the mayhem of 1963 / Ken McNab.
- ML421 .B57 B87 2023Y — Into the void : from birth to Black Sabbath--and beyond / Geezer Butler.
- ML423 .A33 A3 2023X — Wild dances : my queer and curious journey to Eurovision / William Lee Adams.
- ML423 .S57 A3 2023X — Perfect pitch : an autobiography / Nicolas Slonimsky ; edited by Electra Slonimsky Yourke.
- ML423 .T48 A3 2024X — The reminiscences and selected music criticism of Herbert Thompson / edited by Michael Allis and Paul Watt.
- ML429 .W5507 M87 2024X — Ink : the indelible J. Mayo Williams / Clifford R. Murphy.
- ML457 .L59 2024X — Live looping in musical performance : lusophone experiences in dialogue / edited by Alexsander Duarte and Susana Sardo.
- ML525 .I57 2024X — Instrumental lives : musical instruments, material culture, and social networks in East and Southeast Asia / edited by Helen Rees.
- ML935 .P25 2024X — The flute, how it works : a practical guide to flute ownership / Michael J. Pagliaro.
- ML1311.4 .B35 2024X — Bands in American musical history : inflection points and reappraisals / edited by Bryan Proksch and George Foreman.
- ML1380 .C65 2024Y — Dream machines : electronic music in Britain from Doctor Who to Acid House / Matthew Collin.
- ML1700 .B12 2024X — The nurse in history and opera : from servant to sister / Judith Barger.
- ML1700 .S9487 2023X — Queer opera / Andrew Sutherland.
- ML3477 .L3805 2024X — Say it with a beautiful song : the art and craft of the great American songbook / Michael Lasser and Harmon Greenblatt.
- ML3508 .S65 2024X — In with the in crowd : popular jazz in 1960s Black America / Mike Smith.
- ML3509 .S6 B78 2024X — Playing the changes : jazz at an African university and on the road / Darius Brubeck and Catherine Brubeck.
- ML3521 .C68 2024Y — Night train to Nashville : Music City rhythm & blues revisited / Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.
- ML3524 .F357 2024Y — Willie, Waylon, and the boys : how Nashville outsiders changed country music forever / Brian Fairbanks.
- ML3531 .Q47 2024X — Hip-hop is history / Questlove with Ben Greenman.
- ML3534.3 .P39 2023Y — Where are your boys tonight? : the oral history of emo's mainstream explosion 1999-2008 / Chris Payne.
- ML3534.6 .A7 B47 2024X — Rock poetry in post-dictatorship Argentina : an analysis of discursive production in the 1980s / by Lucas R. Berone ; translation by Claudia A. Vulcano ; foreword by Pablo Vila.
- ML3545 .B74 2024Y — Missing music : voices from where the dirt roads end / Ian Brennan ; foreword by Dame Evelyn Glennie ; photos by Marilena Umuhoza Delli.
- ML3556 .B76 2024Y — On rhetoric and Black music / Earl H. Brooks.
- ML3560 .H3 D66 2024X — Mele on the Mauna : perpetuating genealogies of Hawaiian musical activism on Maunakea / Joseph Keola Donaghy.
- ML3758 .G28 G46 2023 — Georgian traditional polyphony : modern trends and perspectives of development / [edited by] Rusuda Tsurtsumia, Joseph Jordania.
- ML3776 .E45 2023X — Time's echo : the Second World War, the Holocaust, and the music of remembrance / Jeremy Eichler.
- ML3790 .F6629 2024Y — 1999 : the year the record industry lost control / Eamonn Forde.
- ML3790 .Y513 2024X — K-pop innovation : the future of Korean innovation that took the world by storm / Jangwoo Lee ; translated by Lynn Pyun.
- ML3799.5 .L39 2024Y — Sound tracks : uncovering our musical past / Graeme Lawson.
- ML3845 .C449 2024X — Music's making : the poetry of music, the music of poetry / Michael Cherlin.
- ML3845 .K55 2023 — 10 stateĭ po russkoĭ filosofii muzyki : sbornik stateĭ : materialy k kursu "Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ filosofii" / A.S. Kli︠u︡ev.
- ML3849 .M9354 2023X — Music and visual culture in Renaissance Italy / edited by Chriscinda Henry and Tim Shephard.
- ML3916 .G83 2024Y — Guerrilla Music : Musicking As Resistance, Defiance, and Subversion / edited by Leon de Bruin and Jane Southcott.
- ML3916 .H65 2024 — If I were a racist : exploring racism in music teaching / Nathan Holder.
- ML3916 .M8757 2024X — Music making community / edited by Tony Perman and Stefan Fiol.
- ML3921.6 .N46 H34 2024X — Ancestral North : spirituality and cultural imagination in Nordic ritual folk music / Ross Hagen and Mathias Nordvig.
- MT90 .T76 2024Y — Transformational analysis in practice : music-analytical studies on composers and musicians from around the world / edited by Bozhidar Chapkanov.
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CDs and DVDs
- CD 0005 — Piano works volume two [sound recording] / Maurice Ravel.
- CD 2779-2780 — 6 sonate a quattro / Rossini.
- CD 2946 — La cage aux folles [sound recording] : original cast recording / [music and lyrics by Jerry Herman ; book by Harvey Fierstein ; based on the play La cage au folles by Jean Poiret].
- CD 9114 — Toccata no. 1 / Kaikhosru Shapurji Sorabji.
- CD 9119-9120 — Motor tapes / Sarah Hennies.
- CD 9140 — Wide as heaven : a century of song by Black American composers / H.T. Burleigh ; J. Rosamond Johnson ; Florence B. Price ; Hall Johnson ; Toy Harper ; Howard Swanson ; Dorothy Rudd Moore ; W.C. Handy ; Margaret Bonds ; William Grant Still ; Anthony Davis ; H. Leslie Adams ; Robert Owens.
- CD 9141 — A curving abacus / J.P.A. Falzone.
- CD 9175 — Beethoven in SoHo : and other works / Peter Gena.
- CD 11880 — The Red Army Chorus salutes America [sound recording] = Le Chœur de l'Armée Rouge en hommage à l'Amérique.
- CD 12209 — Velvet soul [sound recording].
- CD 13000 — Gianni Schicchi [sound recording] / Giacomo Puccini ; [libretto, Giovacchino Forzano].
- CD 16866 — Stabat Mater [sound recording] ; Litany to the Virgin Mary ; Symphony no. 3 / Szymanowski.
- CD 17996 — Lagrime di San Pietro [sound recording] = The tears of Saint Peter : 20 spiritual madrigals on poems by Luigi Tansillo ; avec le motet Vide homo, quae pro te patior / Roland de Lassus.
- CD 19110 — Harira harirama : Megrelian and Abkhaz songs.
- CD 19111 — Singing as a lifestyle / Georgian Folk Ensemble "Didgori".
- CD 19503 — Choeurs profanes a cappella [sound recording] / Poulenc.
- CD 19507 — Choeurs sacrés [sound recording] / Poulenc.
- CD 21582-21583 — La rondine [sound recording] / Puccini.
- CD 24149 — Japanese Noh music [sound recording].
- CD 24508 — Canadian amber : music by Latvian-Canadian composers = Ambre canadien : musiques des compositeurs canado-lettons / Janis Kalnins, Talivaldis Kenins, Imant Raminsh.
- CD 25595 — Israelis Brünnlein [sound recording] / Johann Hermann Schein.
- CD 25603 — Global sirens.
- CD 26135-26136 — String quartet no. 1 in C minor, op. 51/1 [sound recording] ; String quartet no. 2 in A minor, op. 51/2 ; String quartet no. 3 in B♭ major, op. 67 / Johannes Brahms.
- CD 27279-27281 — Semele [sound recording] / George Frideric Handel.
- CD 28990-28993 — The complete Capitol recordings of the Holman and Russo charts [sound recording] / Stan Kenton.
- CD 29021 — The complete Capitol small group recordings of Benny Goodman, 1944-1955 [sound recording].
- CD 30493 — Melancholy & mirth / Opus 8.
- CD 32166-32167 — The yeomen of the Guard / Gilbert & Sullivan.
- CD 36114 — Materiaux composés / Louis Dufort.
- CD 36729 — King of jazz [sound recording] : the complete 1947-1949 small group sessions : studio recording master takes, vol 1.
- CD 36730 — King of jazz [sound recording] : the complete 1947-1949 small group sessions : studio recording master takes, vol. 2.
- CD 36762-36763 — The complete RCA Victor small group recordings [sound recording] / Benny Goodman.
- CD 38003 — Music in the world of Islam [sound recording] : strings, flutes & trumpets.
- CD 38004 — Music in the world of Islam [sound recording] : reeds & bagpipes, drums & rhythms.
- CD 51268 — Canadian sacred music / Opus 8.
- CD 51269 — Sunny night = Nuit ensoleillée : musique pour le théâtre et le cinéma / Giya Kancheli.
- CD 51277 — Works for double bass and piano / Schumann, Brahms, Mišek.
- CD 51460 — Ravel inspirations / Cordâme.
- CD 51461 — Aubades / Jean-Michel Blais.
- CD 51973 — Complete piano music [sound recording] / Adams.
- CD 52014 — Didgori : Georgian folk ensemble.
- CD 55439 — Chamber works [sound recording] / McCabe.
- CD 56578-56580 — Le nozze di Figaro [sound recording] / Mozart
- CD 57298-57299 — Concertos pour piano 9, 20, 21, 23 & 27 [sound recording] : Pianos [sic] concertos = Klavierkonzerte / Mozart.
- CD 61947-61948 — Adagio aus der Symphonie No. 10 ; Symphonie No. 9 / Gustav Mahler.
- CD 63675 — The infinite [sound recording].
- CD 63869 — Riders to the sea ; Merciless beauty ; Epithalamion / Vaughan Williams.
- CD 64894-64897 — Kenton presents Bob Cooper, Bill Holman & Frank Rosolino [sound recording].
- CD 69380 — Operatic arias [sound recording] / Handel.
- CD 72877-72879 — Le nozze di Figaro / Mozart.
- CD 74123 — Shahr-i bī ṣidā : Saʻdī, ʻĀrif Qazvīnī, Shafīʻī Kadkanī, dastgāh-i māhūr va āvāz-i bayāt-i Iṣfahānī / tār va sihʹtār, Kayvān Sākit ; piyānū, Sāmān Iḥtishāmī ; tunbak, Arzhang Kāmkār ; āvāz, Amīr Muḥammad Taftī = Shahr-e bi seda (No sound city) / A M Tafti, A Kamkar, K Saket, S Ehteshami.
- CD 75759-75765 — The Decca years.
- CD 75871-75872 — Aleksis Kivi : opera in three acts / Rautavaara.
- CD 76224-76226 — Don Giovanni / Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
- DVD 0089-0098 — Virtuosity in a box : the Taubman techniques / [JTJ Films, Inc. in cooperation with the Taubman Institute ; produced, directed and edited by Ernest Urvater].
- DVD 0354-0355 — Doctor Atomic [videorecording] / John Adams.